Chapter 13 - Future Mrs KING

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[Kylie's pov]

It's been a week since I met Martha and a week that Keagan has been sleeping in my bed, with me cuddled up in his arms perfectly and I'm so fucking in love that sometimes even I gag at how dangerously in love I am with him.

To be honest I feel like I've known him for years, I feel this pull towards him and no matter how many times the sane part of my head tells me that I'm moving too fast I can't help but move even faster, he completely starts it.

I love this man and I'd put my life on the line for his, I'd move mountains, cross oceans and travel the world following him.

He is my world and without him theres no life. Dramatic I know but I can't help but feel this way.

It is now early Sunday morning and I am ready to get out of bed, I have a slight problem though, I'm locked in his arms and no matter how hard I try to get out, he holds me tighter if that's even possible.

I wouldn't want to leave this bed, his arms and warmth to do anything, but I'm dead ass hungry!

I'm starving and I'm a whole other psycho when starving. I've been trying to wake him up but to no avail.

I take full responsibility for that, we watched movies until 3 this morning, its now 6 a.m and 3hours of sleep is just not at all enough.

I decide to try something else. I come up with a evil genius plan. I start kissing up his neck, kissing his ear, and his breath hitches, ha his awake.

The next thing I know I'm under him staring at those beautiful dark blue eyes, his eyes are slightly dark and his smirking, well shit.

"You being naughty early in the morning" he says in his husky morning voice which sent shivers down my spine.

"Good morning" I whisper as he goes to kiss me up my neck, sucking on my flesh, he goes to put his hips between my legs and grabs my thighs bringing my core very close to his mid section.

I moan softly loving the feeling of the sparks igniting whenever he touches me. He grunts and his hands start roaming my body igniting a fire, and I'm overwhelmed with feeling the want and need for him.

My hands start roaming his body wanting, no needing more, I wrap my legs around him bringing closer as he grinds his mid section against my core and I moan loudly, he kisses me with so much need, I grab his neck, wrap my legs tighter and deepen the kiss.

I try and lift up his sweater when he immediately stops. I sit up coming to my senses, well shit this so backfired!

I get up hearing my stomach grumble, oh right im hungry! To the kitchen I must go! "Kylie" Keagan says in a tone that I know means 'walk out of here and there'll be consequences'.

I turn to give him a flat look all of the sudden pissed and I dont even know what for. On second thought I do. I have this need, this urge for him, for more and I'm constantly left unsatisfied.

"What Keagan?"

"Baby come here" he says pulling me into his arms, and feeling all my anger dissappear looking into those eyes I love so much.

"I love you and I'm going to marry you, I'm going to make you my wife and on our wedding night, I'm going to make love to you" he says and my heart flutters.

I know I wasnt thinking straight and I know this is what I want, to save myself for marriage, I guess I just felt rejected ? And really horny, I need to keep my hormones in check. It's so hard though, constantly having to look at his mucled tattooed body.

Blinking away the steamy images in my head, I smile up at him.

"I love you Keagan" I say with so much emotion trying to express how much I love him by kissing him so passionately, nothing like earlier this was so much slower and full of raw emotion.

So intense, he pulls away "I love you future Mrs King" he says and I internally jump and do a happy dance. He gives me those damn butterflies.

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