Chapter 12 - Meeting Martha

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[Kylie's pov]

Ever since two weeks ago when my family visited, Keagan and I have been going out on dates everyday after school and on the weekends.

We have been getting to know each other. Im definitely in love.

That man is so stubborn, hard headed and arrogant at times, he is also a very serious person, but he can be playful.

There's days where he drives me crazy! Always wanting his way and always making me voluntarily give him his way.

He is persuasive so very persuasive. He is also very sweet and caring. He does the cutest things and everytime he smiles I melt.

He is dominant and he makes it clear about who wears the pants, also very very territorial.

Talking about him being territorial, the other day we were sitting at a coffee place outside of town, he went to the counter to order, while I went to go grab seats.

Two young good looking guys came over and took a seat. I didnt want to be rude and tell them to leave so I told them that someones sitting there and politely asked if they needed any help.

They started complimenting me then asked for my number. Really not wanting to be rude, I actually gave them the stranger danger speech.

While doing so Keagan made his way to the table looking furious as fuck and extremely intimidating, the two guys turned to see what I'm looking at and they immediately tensed up.

Keagan looks at the two guys like his about to rip their heads off. "Mine!" he growls, I had to do a double take because it sounded more animalistic than human.

The boys immediately jump up and practically ran away. I looked at him "What the hell was that about?" I asked Keagan he looked at me and immediately calmed down.

"Nothing, you mine" he said sternly, if it was anyone else I would have made a run for it, but Keagan being this possessive done crazy things to my body, so I stayed.

I need to get my head checked at some point.

Last week friday, he picked maleeyah and I up from school dropped maleeyah at the bakery and took me to this beautiful waterfall out of town to have a picnic and go swimming.

It was beautiful and he was so sweet, the picnic foods were delicious and to put a cherry on the top he got down on both knees and officially asked me to be his girlfriend!!!!!

Cheesy I know but totally cuteeeeee, cuteeeeee, cuteeeeee! I couldn't stop blushing and I practically screamed yes.

To say I was motified after my outburst is a understatement. He just chuckled and called me cute.

Last night, he picked me up and we walked to the lake and we got on that small boat and paddled us to the middle of no where and confessed his love.

I didnt know what to say and before I could even tell him that I love him too, he told me that he knows its crazy we've only known each other for about 5 weeks but he's crazy inlove with me so he doesn't expect me to say it back.

And that he wants to spend the rest of his life with me then got down on one knee told me to breathe he's only promising to marry me one day, and love me for the rest of his life to only be faithful and cherish me.

He covered my naked finger with a simple but extremely beautiful diamond promise ring. I almost cried at the most beautiful gesture I've ever received.

He got up and hugged me tightly. Im truly in love with him and I'm sure of it. I cant explain it but there's this strong pull that pulls me towards him and even just thinking about ever being without him breaks my heart and brings me to tears.

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