Chapter 1- The Best News Ever

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[Kylie's pov]

You know one of those mornings you get up feeling ready? Ready for the day? Ready for whatever life throws at you? Blessings even? Maybe even feeling lucky as finding the one, your one, one true love? Well this morning I woke up feeling this way.

I turn to the left side of my bed and check the time its still dark out so im guessing early. The clock shows that its 5a.m in the morning. This surprises me because I am never able to get out of bed on my own until it's atleast 8:30.

Feeling as if im ready for the day, too excited to go back to bed. I decide to get ready for school.

Thinking about school gives me this bittersweet feeling. Its my last day of my last year of highschool and I'm happy that there's no longer going to be homework, examinations, annoying teachers and fake ass bitches and horny little boys.

But there's also my friends, the crazy shit we do. The times we bunked or pranked teachers. Highschool had been a fun experience for me.

Being my last year of school I'm afraid of what the future holds and that'll I'll miss school and the fun carefree life we have at school.

I'll miss my friends. Jody , Jason, Jackson, Mason, Hudson and Kyle. I'll miss my best friend Jody and his silly jokes and flirtatious remarks, his great advice and his overprotective ways keeping all those horny little boys far away from me.

You would think he kept all the boys away from me because he had a secret crush on me or something but no. Completely brotherly love.

Ohh and Jason he's a funny one, aggressive very flirtatious and the lady's man. He fucks anything that walks if you ask me but he is one of my loyal most trusted friends they all are actually.

Jackson is alot like Jason but he never dates he swears he'll never love any girl in a romantic way he just loves a "quick bang" its what he says.

Mason, Hudson and Kyle are all alike you would swear they brothers. They all act like one another and are really funny, very playful always joking around, no serious relationships but do have a dating life.

All of them say after highschool we'll still be close but its never that way so I'm just praying what they say is becomes true.

They aren't from around here, whenever I ask about their hometown the boys change the subject or something comes up and you probably wondering how I've been friends with them since 8th grade but dont know a thing, ha me too!!

To be honest I feel they will tell me if iIneeded to know and for some odd reason in this universe I feel like I can trust them another funny thing I felt this since the day I met them.

At first they were very private with their private life, so I stopped prying along time ago but we've grown so close not knowing which town they came from doesn't even bother me no more.

Shaking off all these thoughts I stand in front of the mirror looking at my pale white skin, my dark blue eyes and dark black straight hair that runs down to my waist, I look happy, I feel happy. Ohhh my, good hair day! Todays going to be great!

I go to the bathroom and do my business, I come out and throw on some ripped dark blue skinny jeans, a white Tee with my white ankle boot chucks and my leather jacket.

I throw my hair up in a messy bun. I dont wear make up so with one final glance in the mirror I run downstairs

My parents are already seated at the table looking incredibly joyful, I kiss my papa and mama greeting them with a 'good morning'

Mama has long blonde hair with bright blue eyes and fair skin with a petite figure, while papa has light blonde hair and dark blue eyes and a muscled figure.

Honestly I don't know where any of my features came from.

"Kylie we have great news! As we've known for two years now that you'd be leaving us shortly after you graduated from highscool. I know papa and I have neen reluctant on letting you leave but we know how badly you want this.

So as your graduation gift, you papa and I bought you a nice cabbin out in Jacksonville near that art school you got accepted to. We leave tonight to get you all settled in seeing as you start school there very soon" Mama says happily but with tears in her eyes.

"Thank you mama thank you papa" I say as I run and engulf them both in hugs, you have no idea how long I've been waiting for this I wasn't planning on going because of the fact that my overprotective parents wouldnt let me leave.

"Your mom and I will have all your things packed by tonight and you'll be leaving straight after your going away dinner, so come right back home after school, okay?" Papa says and now I'm bursting with joy. This has to be the best news I've ever received.

"Yes papa, and thank you mama and papa again I'm so excited!" right after thanking my parents again I hear Jody hooting outside. "Well there's my ride to school, love ya guys so much, bye Mama bye Papa" I say as I run and greet my parents running dramatically as I exit.

What can I say I'm excited!

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