Chapter 27

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Shona was all busy in giving her best to manage these cute little but nagging patients and Sanskar was peeking at her standing at the door all impressed and immersed in her so deeply as he was a part of that childrens room.

He took steps to get in many times but every time stopped and don't want to leave this sight of Shona

"What is wrong, Sanskar? Why are you standing here for so long?"

Maya tapped at Sanskar's shoulder from behind making him jolted for a second then he sighed and composed himself.

He didn't answer to Maya, just beckoned towards the children's ward through eyes.

"Oh Dr. Shona filled in today in childrens ward. How is she going with kids?" Maya asked.

"Check by yourself." Sanskar said and both looked at Shona behind the glass wall.

She made all the children lie for a nap and telling them some bedtime story all dramatically making many different actions and expressions.

"Hmm, the room is quite silent, seems like she has dealt with them."

"I guess......" Sanskar said ambiguously.

"Is that so? Then what are you doing here, paying close attention on her work or what?" Maya asked and looked into Sanskar's eyes.

"I had to, this hospital is my responsibility."

"Oh really? When Dr. Kavita was in-charge of the childrens ward, you never paid any visit, then why now? The person whom you need to keep a close eye you were not bother, and keeping close attention on Dr. Shona, whom you should trust blindly. You are still annoying."

Maya walked into ward while blabbering in irritation and Sanskar scratch the back of his neck.

"How are they doing?" Maya sanitized her hands and asked from head nurse in the ward.

"So far, all good. Dr. Shona made them all play games in a disciplined way, made sure everyone will eat their lunch on time, then medicines and injections as well. This was so easy with her support, dealing with these naughty kids. Please appoint such a doctor every day for children."

Head nurse was impressed and relaxed. Their tough job has been managed.

"Sounds good, I like it." Maya said and moved to Shona.

Maya was taking details of every kid from Shona, checking them one by one.

When both the doctors were engrossed with their patients Sanskar silently entered and walked towards Preeti's bed.

Preeti won 'Passing the parcel' game and skipped her injection as a winning prize that was irksome for Sanskar. He was curious to know the illness and injection of the little girl and her pediatrician.

"What the heck?"

Sanskar's eyes widen in shock to see that there was no injection was prescribed to this little girl. Shona fooled her in order to make her eat her lunch.

"Dr. Shona is beyond my expectations." Sanskar's sexy sculpted lips grew apart in a big smile and he shook his head in disbelief.

'Even though Dr. Shona is naughty and prankster, she is smart and quick witted and a good doctor as well. The way she was going with kids, and they all were also comfortable with her, I think she can be a good pediatrician.

Sanskar was thinking while looking at Maya and Shona standing alone and stuffing his hands in the pocket. His thoughts were formed in words by Maya.

"Dr. Shona, to be truth you are a good doctor and could be a skilled specialist. At first I used to think you can be a best EM specialist when I saw you working efficiently in emergency room, but now I think you are best with the kids." Maya said and pressed her shoulder softly.

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