Chapter 40

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"What the........" Asad blabbered and his eyes turned red.

Sujata walked forward and stood little afar from Sanskar, whereas he was still standing at the door with Shona.

"What is all this Sanskar, why you two are together in bridal attires? Were you got married?"

"Yes mom, we just registered our marriage." Sanskar replied to her mom respectfully.

"What?" Everbody recovered of their shock. Even though it was evident from their looks but Sanskar's confession proved them right.

"What? Why did you do this without letting me or anybody know?"

"I am sorry to disappoint you mom, but we both eneded up in a dire situation that we had to get married to overcome." Sanskar answered looking straight whereas Shona was standing beside him with crouch head in shame.

"What the hell, in dire situation." This phrase shot Asad's temper, he stride towards Sanskar and Shona and held Sanskar's collar with both hands.

"What dire situation you are talking about? Sanskar Maheshwari you are just trying to trap my sister, but I didn't let this happen. I will not let you take advantage of my sister's innocence."

Zoya, Dilshad and Arjun came between them and tried to set free Sanskar from Asad's grip, but he exert all his muscles power and didn't let go of him.

Sanskar didn't try anything to get off from his grip. He was indifferent looking straight with poker face avoiding every gaze. The moment he decided to get married to Shona without letting anybody knew, he was prepared for this moment. Of course he was sure this will come to both of them. Meanwhile Shona was also indifferent and has no expressions.

"Asad, what the heck are you doing, leave him. You will get nothing being physical to anybody. Calm down, please." Zoya said, still trying to separate Asad from Sanskar.

"Calm down my foot....." Asad let go of Sanskar's collar with jerk and turned to Shona.

"I knows my sister can never take such a drastic step, this guy forced her for sure. I sister can never let me down."

Asad held Shona's both cheeks in the cup of his palm and his heart softened with a sight of his loving sister.

"Shona, please tell me, how did he trapped you, what did he do to you? Is he blackmailing you, by any chance? You can share everything to your AB, I will rescue you." He handled her like a glass doll and spoke politely.

"Tell me, my baby sis, you're brother will be by your side forever."

Shona's cold eyes met with Asad's desperate gaze. She looked into his eyes for a few minutes then crouch her lashes and chose not to answer.

"Shona, answer me, say something damn it. Asad held her from arms and yelled. He is losing his patience again.

Zoya opened Asad's fist on Shona's arms and freed her arms from his grip because her arms turned red from Asad's right grip.

"Asad, leave her and how many times do I need to tell you to get hold of yourself. Shona must have answer, but let her talk calmly. No need to get angry everytime." Zoya yelled on Asad being fed up of this chaos.

"Zoya is right, Asad, control your anger and let me talk to Shona." Dilshad also scolded Asad.

"Alright, I will not create any scene again, but don't ask me to calm down, the more you people are asking the more I am losing my shit." Asad said in irritation and moved aside to let Dilshad talk to Shona.

Dilshad cleared her throat and spoke as soft as she can. "Shona, answer me, did you get married to Sanskar Maheswari?"

Shona neither raised her head nor spoke any word, just nodded her head in positive.

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