Chapter 48

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"Mrs. Maheshwari, were you all a single family for real, back then 12 years ago?" Asad said ironically.

Dilshad made her eyes bigger to Asad and said. "Asad, please cut it out."

She summoned them here for a purpose and don't want this meeting to get ended being chaotic without any solution.

"Mrs. Maheshwari, I guess you guys are oblivious of many truth from the past, so please hear me calmly." Dilshad said softly and looked at the trio. They all nodded their head.

"12 years ago, after we bailed out Shashank, he don't wanted to go back to Swar mansion for some reason, that's why we forcefully brought them to our house."

"Then?" Sanskar asked impatiently. He always gets uneasy with the topic related to Shashank's arrest and swamped under his guilt.

"Then 2 days later, they all moved to one of our hotel secretly and planned to move abroad forever. One week later, they had their flight to London and when....." Dilshad's voice turned heavy and she sniffed to hide her tears.

Asad kept his hand on her shoulder standing beside her chair, and resume the story.

"One week later on the way to the airport to catch their flight to London, they met with an accident."

"An accident, it means...." Anand had something in his mind but couldn't voice out.

"Yes, their accident was planned, their secret bodyguards appointed by my dad witnessed Sahil Goenka at the accident site and uncle Shashank seen him as well. He had seen Sahil Goenka with hooligans at the accident scene before losing his conscious." Asad told the entire story.

"My husband, Rishabh had doubt that Sahil was young and navie to plan a murder and that's why he investigated and found that Naren is involved in everything just......

"In the greed to get Goenka hospital, right? Sujata hijacked Dilshad's words and hit bullseye.

"Right......." Dilshad and Asad nodded.

"He planned to remove uncle Shashank and his family to claim the rights of Goenka hospital as the only heir left, isn't it?" Sanskar said further.

"Yes, but he unintentionally saved them, coz that day back then, Shashank, Sakshi and Swara couldn't boarded the flight, coz of the accident, the flight to London had been crashed and all the passengers died."

"For the entire world Goenka family had died in a plane crash and taking it as an opportunity Shashank and Sakhi flew from here leaving Shona with us to save her life and to complete her education and get medical license in India."

"Till this date nobody had any doubt of us being connected with uncle Shashank and aunt Sakshi, but after your visit, suddenly, Sahil showed up in disguise. If they will get to know my Shona being Swara then she will be in a grave danger."

'In short Shona's life is at stake because of our so called ridiculous investigation, isn't it? This is all because of my doubts, my personal interest to get my Shona back.' Sanskar once again held himself accountable in his heart.

"Asad is right. Mrs. Maheshwari we need to find an abiding solution of this problem. Neither we can tied Shona at home forbidding her freedom nor we can protect her everywhere 24×7. Guys we need your help." Dilshad requested helplessly.

"Shona is the first successor of Goenka hospital and has many hidden nemesis."

Asad and Dilshad were explaining the real motives of their meeting, Sujata was in her separate thoughts by the mention of Shona.

Now when it's proved Shona is their Swara, then something is amiss.

"Dilshad, if Shona is our Swara, daughter of Shashank and Sakshi then how come she didn't recognised me when I hugged her. She wasn't too young when we were separated, what's more I was the closest to her." Sujata asked in confusion.

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