Chapter 22

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Shona was about to go to talk to Priya Rai's guardian but held by Priya Rai, the patient.

Shona, Sanskar and the nurse looked at her in shock.

"You weren't unconscious all this time?" Shona asked in disbelief. She already had the doubt about it but now it's confirmed.

The patient nodded her head in no and said in a weak voice, "Please don't tell anyone about it."

"Is everything ok with her brain CT scan?" Shona looked at the nurse and asked.

"Yes, I guess so, will get the report in an hour." The nurse answered.

"Shut up you two." Sanskar shook his head and scolded Shona and the nurse. This is already a serious condition and these two are joking around.

He moved closer to the patient and leaned to her level.

"Miss Rai, why you don't want us to share your problem with your guardian?" Sanskar asked politely.

It's not only an accident case anymore, but a bit serious one. She was sexually assaulted by more than one person. They need to do her obstetrics checkup before it's too late.

"I am an adult to make my decision. I don't need any guardian." The patient said between the groan and turned her head in shame.

Shona and Sanskar looked at each other and sighed.

Shona caressed her forehead and talk to her politely to persuade her for checkup.

"Miss Priya, listen to me, you don't need to be ashamed for any sordid sinner's deeds, it isn't your fault. But you have to fight for yourself and make the perpetrator punished. We need to do your obstetrics check up for a confirmation report and before that we must inform police."

Shona's words backfired and the patient scared more than before.

"Please don't involve police, please don't call police." Priya held Shona's hand with her both hands and said beseechingly.

They all thought that she is afraid of being scandalous and lose her face in front of the public as she is a new born actress.

"Calm down Miss Priya, relax, we understand your problem that's why even the matter of your accident is still secret." Sanskar said while Shona was tapping on her hands considerately.

"Yes, just let us proceed with your gynaecology checkup and let your sister's husband and your boyfriend informed about it, they are your family and police officers as well. I will make sure the matter will be secret."

No matter how Shona persuaded Priya Rai, she wasn't at ease and now she has panic attack all of a sudden.

"No, I said no, don't tell them anything. They are not my family, please don't tell them anything. Please don't tell them that I said anything to you."

Priya's breath turned heavier and she was keep on blabbering not to tell about her sexual assault to anybody or do anything.

Shona thought over Priya's behaviour and found something is fishy.

"Are they both your culprit? Aren't your boyfriend and your sister's husband are persons who harassed you physically?" Shona asked with confidence while looking into Priya's eyes.

"What the..., what nonsense are you talking?" Sanskar scolded Shona, to stop her from accusing someone without evidence.

They both are police officers and Priya's family as well, accusing them like this could put the hospital's reputation at stake.

Even Priya was shocked by Shona's bold confrontation. She avoided eye contact.

"Am I wrong Miss Priya? Isn't the reason obvious that you are scared of police and your family as well?" Shona again asked with confidence still glaring Priya.

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