Chapter 50

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"Miss Shona.........

The entire mansion echoed with the loud and long scream of Sanskar for Shona.

Shona stuffed the forefinger of her both the hands in her ears and same goes with other staff of the mansion all covered their ears being startled, then trembled in fear.

Sujata and Laksh looked at each other being confused, then ran upstairs to Sanskar's bedroom.

On their way to his bedroom they both heard the same yell again. "Miss Shona........"

'What is wrong with this guy, why is he screaming Shona's name desperately?'

'What did Shona, do to arouse an anger lion hidden inside my brother.'

Sujata and Laksh thought and increased their pace.

"Miss Shona......."

Listening her name again Shona jumped down from the kitchen table making irritable faces and marched to the bedroom while pulling the long sleeves up.

Sujata and Laksh walked into the room and their eyes widen in shock by the scene in front of them. The entire room was completely messed up.

All the cabinet doors were partially opened because Sanskar's clothes were hung out upside down from the shelf. Most of his clothes were shattered all around, many of them were lying on the floor, some are on bed and even on couch and side table too.

Between the flood of clothes Sanskar was standing in the middle of the room, wearing his tracksuit, sweating profusely after workout, keeping both hands on his waist with furious face.

The entire room was shattered because Shona was hunting for a perfect outfit for herself and in her grand mission she tossed the each cloth not useful for her behind her carelessly not bother of the place they are landing.

Sujata and Laksh had a hard time to control their giggle and tease Sanskar more. Both of their hands were on their mouth and they turned here and there.

Sanskar was going to yell again when Shona walked in while dusting her hands and looked at Sanskar with frown face.

"What is wrong with you, why are you chanting my name? And for your kind information I am not Miss Shona anymore, just day before I got married and now I am the proud Mrs. Maheshwari. Have you already forgot we are happily married now."

Shona was all mood since morning as she used to be in her house. She was teasing Sanskar making Sujata and Laksh giggle.

'Mrs. Maheshwari my foot, last night she was creating all fuss for mere the decoration of the room for wedding night and in the morning she is happily married, unbelievable.'

Sanskar thought and looked at Shona and noticed she is wearing his favourite hoodie with his unused trackpant.

"What the......." He stared her from head to toe with frown lines on his forehead, he clenched his fist to suppress his anger in front of his mom and brother.

Shona observed his fiesty gaze on herself then looked at his clothes she is wearing and said with fake blush face. "Now what's with this loving stare? Baby are you checking out your own wife? Wasn't night enough for you?"

Sujata and Laksh couldn't hold it anymore and burst into fit of laughter. They all knew she is putting up an act, but nobody meddled.

Sanskar got irritated by her absurd talk and Sujata and Laksh's laugh added fuel in the fire. He glared then harshly making them pursued their mouth.

"Lucky, I think we shouldn't play gooseberry and leave the love birds alone. What say?" Sujata said hurriedly.

"Alright mom, let's leave......"

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