Chapter 56

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Shona stormed out of the mansion after bidding adieu to Sujata.

"Sanskar, why are you after Shona for nothing. She is just a kid, let her enjoy her life, what is wrong with harmless prank? She named you correct, Hitler, who always behind her with tons of punishments." Sujata scolded Sanskar, can't see Shona upset

"Mom relax, don't get hyper for silly reasons. Second thing it was not a harmless prank, avoiding meals will affect her health. Every time just being caught in the act is not sufficient, she deserved a lesson. Now she will think twice before doing mischievous acts with her meals."

Sanskar explained and Sujata nodded her head.

"Ok, if this is for her health then I will not meddle again. Do as you wish, but at the end she should be healthy and happy."

"Brother, do you think your prankster wife will stop her naughty acts after only one punishment." Laksh laughed and said.

"I am not sure, but to be truth she is not completely healthy, since after that accident. I need to take proper care of her." Sanskar said with greviances.

Sujata put her hand on his shoulder and said, "Don't worry, we all are there to take good care of her."

"Mom, you don't need to do anything. Just now she asked you to rest well because you are already not well. Me and my brother will deal with Shona's matter."

Laksh scolded Sujata and turned to Sanskar.

"By the way brother I think you should begin treatment of her amnesia."

"I can't say anything until I will examin everything and see the latest reports, but I am also worried about that stubborn head's reaction upon tests. Neither we can reveal the reason to her nor ignore the fact." Sanskar said while rubbing his temple.

"Don't worry brother, I will take care for this matter." Laksh volunteered for Shona's check-up with not letting her know the fact.

"Alright then let's leave for the hospital."

Sanskar and Laksh were leaving to their workplace but stopped by Sujata.

"Sanskar wait, there is something I want to tell you both."

"Sure mom."

"The next weekend I am throwing a party to announce your wedding and introduce your wife to the world and a press conference as well."

"Ok mom, I am in. The final step of our plan is still in line too execute. Let's do it." Sanskar nodded and said.

Sanskar came to the parking of the mansion and saw Shona didn't leave yet, she was sitting near the front left tyre of her car and doing something.

"Mrs. Maheshwari, what's going on?"

Shona startled by his sudden voice from behind. She turned and saw her husband, who punished her sometimes before and she is sulky over him.

"HM, the tyre of my car has flattened that's why I was changing." Shona replied sweetly.

Being sulky to Sanskar, Shona was to polite to execute her another prank.

When she stormed out of the mansion after getting punished by Sanskar, she planned to avenge on him. She messaged Laksh and request him to entangle Sanskar in conversation only for 10 minutes to borrow some time to execute her prank.

She flattened two tyre of every car in the mansion except her's and Laksh's car and sat near the front tyre of her car with a jack and pretended as she is changing the tyre when Sanskar came to the parking.

Doctor's Prankster BrideOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora