Chapter 58

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Shona ran out with the nurse after getting the news of high end collisions of 5 vehicles, followed by Sanskar, Arjun and Maya.

Even though they are neither team ER nor interns, but being senior doctors, they went to check the trauma patients they have time no prior appointments.

"We have emergency patient....."

Shona heard the voice of paramedic as soon she stepped into ER and they pushed a little girl into the room.

"She is Preeti....."

Shona recognised the little girl. She was in the childrens ward when Shona was appointed for one day and this little girl won the game, Shona made them play.

Shona knew little bit about her case, but she is here as a trauma patient.

"Four years old girl, collide her head and chest to the dashboard in the car accident........." Paramedic gave the case details to Shona.

"In the hybrid room fast....." Shona yelled and followed the patient with Laksh.

Shona ordered for the IV drip, then listen to her chest, whereas Laksh was stiching her open wound on forehead.

"Her pulse is dropping....." A nurse yelled.

"Intubation tube fast......"

After making the little girl stable Shona was doing her sonography and found blood clot in her lungs which was quite shocking because as Shona knew from the case history of this patient she had breathing problem.

"Where is her gurdian?" Shona raised her eyebrows to Laksh.

"Waiting in the lobby......" Laksh answered.

"Alright, send her to the brain CT." Shona ordered and beckoned Laksh.

"Is there anything wrong?" Laksh asked and Shona just showed the result of ultrasound on the screen.

"This girl has the case history of breathing problem, we need to talk to her gurdian."

Shona stride to the lobby followed by Laksh.

"Are you ok, after accident?" Shona asked to the mother of the little girl, who seemed like don't have any external injury.

"I am fine, how is my daughter. She collide her head to the dashboard." The woman asked impatiently.

Shona looked at the mother of Preeti and find something fishy.

"Were you driving the car?" Shona asked.

"Yes, it was me......" The woman replied and bowed her head in guilt.

"Without fastened seatbelt for your daughter?" Shona asked bit sternly and woman nodded her head in yes.

"She was getting uneasy with seatbelt, so I unfastened it for some time and this collision happened in the mean time."

"Ahh, how could you?" Laksh said sternly and balled his fist.

Shona and Laksh both were annoyed by the carelessness of a mother towards her child, but Laksh was feeling like strangle her neck.

"Dr. Lucky, relax......"

"Doctor, patients CT scan report is here....." A nurse called Shona and Laksh and they hurried their pace in the ER again.

Shona and Laksh examin all the reports then Shona said, "Please call Dr. Maya and I think we need to discuss this with Dr. SM as well."

"We are here......" Sanskar said striding towards them with Maya by his side.

This is the case of a pediatrician and neurologist as well, the head of both the departments were already informed.

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