Chapter 47

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Sanskar laid on couch after making Shona sleep comfortably on the bed and drifted in to do slumber being tired of all the drama in one day.

Sujata couldn't able to sleep and sitting in her room with tears in her eyes.

"I knew it mom, you were shedding tears in alone." Laksh walked in and wiped his mother's tears.

"What should i do Lucky, I was feeling guilty."

"Guilty for what, mom? Being mother you didn't do anything wrong."

"Even after knowing that Shona was forced into this marriage I prepared for their wedding night. It must be terrified and painful for her. Every girl has some dreams for their groom, marriage, wedding night, honeymoon, but Shona's dreams must be scattered." Sujata said between sob and guilt prevailed to her heart more.

"Then why did you do that?"

Laksh didn't get the reason behind the preparations of wedding night, when his mom knew it would be hurtful for Shona.

"To make her burst and vent out her suppress anger. Since she stepped into our mansion she was like a lifeless body. Neither she ate nor showed any emotions. She bottled up everything inside her."

"Oh. I see, but mom, wouldn't she burst out on Sanskar?" Laksh boobled his head and asked.

"I am sure she already vented her anger on Sanskar, but he will take care of it because it's a matter of Shona's safety and he had to endure it. I am sure after pouring out all her emotions she will be normal like before and start afresh with us."

"I wish so....."

Laksh bid night to Sujata and head out leaving her alone with in the memory lane of couple of weeks before when she got the most exciting news.

"Asad, I knew you would be here and crying alone." Zoya walked into Asad's study room with two mugs of coffee in her hand.

Asad hugged his wife and shed few more tears. "What should I do Zoya, I am drowning in guilt."

Zoya kept the coffee mugs on the table, broke the hug and held Asad's face in her palm.

"Why are feeling guilty?"

"I slapped Shona, my baby sis for the first, and I can't even apologizes to her. From now on I have no rights to fulfill her demands to seek her forgiveness as I used to do in the past."

Asad was getting emotional and thoughts prevailed in the bottom of his heart that he lost her forever.

"That's not true Asad, Shona is still your sister and you have all rights as you are her elder brother." Zoya said to console Asad, but he was more remorseful.

"That's killing me more, I let her go to them even after knowing Maheshwari family well. I let her got married to Sanskar Maheshwari. Even after knowing she was forced into this marriage and going to register it, I didn't stop because I was helpless."

"You were not helpless Asad, you were a protective brother. You took this drastic step to keep your sister safe, do you understand." Zoya said in a soft tone to pulled Asad out of his negative thoughts.

Asad nodded his head while keeping it at the back post of the couch and closed his eyes.

Zoya stared him for a few minutes and sighed. She knows that he need some time in alone that's why stride out of his study room.

Asad drowned in the memory lane of 15 days before when Dilshad spoke to Shashank and Sakhi and feared for Shona's safety.

That day Asad walked into Dilshad's room and found her sitting on the bed, keeping her head on the back post resting with closed eyes. She must be in deep thoughts.

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