Alpha and Omega

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Luna POV
I see... GARROTH? But he seems different. Almost like he's a pet or something... Anyway, it's weird. How could any of them got Garroth to come down here? His school is in another state! "Luna! Don't disobey Ein!" Garroth spoke in a very assertive way. Ein was about to leave the house. Before he left he said "Be a good girl Luna!" Like I'm some sort of child! I'M NOT A CHILD! Garroth waved them off then grabbed my arm and took me upstairs. "Stay in here!" He said pushing me into my room. He locked the door.
I sat at my desk writing stories on Wattpad when I realised something. THE WINDOW! I forgot they existed. It was a very high window. I opened it and risked injuring myself by jumping out of it. It made a loud thud. Then I heard the door of my house open. "Who's there!" Garroth yells. He stands there for a bit and looks around. I text Aphmau asking her to meet me at the park. I don't care what Ein says! I need to tell her what's going on! Not about the book though. It will be to obvious that I told her. Garroth eventually goes inside. I get out the bush and head over to the park.
Aphmau hasn't arrived yet. I wait a while. And more. She never turns up. Somethings up. I walk back to my house. I found a ladder in my back garden. I use it to climb back up to my bedroom.
I climb in and guess who's standing in the doorway. The little parasite who won't leave me alone! Ein. "Have fun?" He asks. Well I guess I was waiting for longer than I thought. I look at him without saying anything. My phone buzzes. Before I could check it, Ein takes it off of me. "Message from Aphmau! She says 'Sorry too busy! I'd it's that important you can call me later or talk about it in school!' Well Luna. Talk about what?" He asks
"A project" I lie.
Ein scoffs and exits my room. I go to bed.

I wake up the next day and dress for school. I pack my bag with extra uniform! I didn't want to go out the front door and cross paths with Ein! Besides, Garroth is staying in Aaron's room. I just wanna be away from them for a while, so aside from my school stuff I pack some overnight things! I'm not staying at this house any longer. I climb out of the window and fall into the bush. I wasn't so surprised to see my uniform torn and dirty. That's why I packed extra! I snuck to school avoiding Ein, Jax and Ryder. I assume Garroth would stay at home to avoid suspicion of what Ein might be planning. I come across Dottie. She's a sweet werewolf. UNLIKE ONE I KNOW! "Aph needs you!" She says "Oh and by the way, you will always be an alpha to me!" She finishes
It's nice to know people want my rule again. Well I wouldn't put it like that but yanno! She runs past me to meet with Daniel and Rylan (correct if I am wrong). I wander over to see Aphmau. "Luna I need help!" She says. "I need to pick and Alpha male but I don't know who should be it!"
"Go with what your heart says!" I say
"My heart?" She gasps. "I KNOW WHO THE ALPHA MALE SHOULD BE!"
Before I had a chance to respond she ran off. Well I'm alone again.
After a small while, Lucinda comes and sits with me. Soon after Kawaii~Chan and Katelyn join.
"Has she chosen an alpha yet?" Lucinda asks "We may not be werewolves but she came to us about this dilemma when we first came into school this morning!"
"It's still the morning! First bell hasn't gone yet!" KC said
"You know what she means!" Katelyn says
I giggle. "Don't worry! I gave her some advice and she thinks she knows who it will be!" I say
"Good! And another question, I texted you last night! Did you get it?" Lucinda asks
"No I must of-" No no no no! EIN STILL HAS MY PHONE! "I must of missed it!" I lie to her.
"Oh it's just, Katelyn needed your number so I just texted you warning you that she had it." Lucinda said.
"Seeing as you probably didn't get my message I'll ask you now, do you want to try out for a sports team? I need your speed!" Katelyn says.
"When have you ever seen me run?" I ask
"Yesterday I briefly noticed you running to the park! That's why I ask!" Katelyn explains
"Oh and can Luna~Senpai help Kawaii~Chan with cookie baking? They are cherry cookies!" KC says
"Katelyn I will try out and Kawaii~Chan, I will help you bake! I'll message you guys later but for now I need to head off!" I say
They all nod and I walk off.

I need to find Ein. Who knows what he could be doing with my phone right now! I look for him but I can't seem to find him! It's funny how when I don't need him, he's always around me but the second I need him, he's no where to be found!
Finally I find him under the bleachers where the track is.
He's alone. I don't trust this.
I walk over. "Give me my phone!" I demand.
"Or what?" He says.
I stare him dead in the eyes.
"Oh by the way, you can thank Aphmau for this. As the Alpha Male I hereby make you the new Omega!" He says
"What!?" I yell.
"That night I sent Garroth to watch you, I went to Aphmau' house. Her mother was out and I made Jax and Ryder guard the door. We had an amazing evening! On top of that, because of you, Aphmau and I are best friends! It was an obvious choice! And I offered to help her in anyway I can! So when you try to get smug at me again, remember who's the Alpha and who's the Omega..."

1042 Words

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