The world needs you...

Start from the beginning

1-B were getting their hero costumes today and Mei had just finished a support item she thought would be perfect for the cocky boy whose very… detailed description of his quirk aided a lot in the creation of this support item.

She was actually super excited to make him use it, but that's what she needed Bakugou for.

"What's the 1-A brat doing here? And who are you anyway? You're still not better than me!" His voice annoyed her so she kicked outwards, not willing to deal with his shit. A redhead was standing pretty close by when she straightened, flashing a smile quickly at the other.

"I'm Hatsume and I'm about to make it 100 times easier for you to beat these 1-A brats-"


"I'm interested."

"-And you better fucking listen up cause I'm not in the mood."

Mei turned to the contraption before her, smiling at its professional-looking black glossy coating.

"This is the Mei baby 300, a metal reinforced gauntlet essentially, which is versatile, light and yet will still do quite a bit of damage. Try it on," she ordered, eye twitching at his rough treatment as he snatched it up.

Twisting his hand around to her, he opened and closed the gauntlet. She studied the movements carefully, nodding. It was like she suspected. A perfect fit.

"Now, clench your hand tightly for five seconds and then release."

He did so, the whole room turning to watch as smoke filled the room they stood in, blinding everyone. People coughed trying to make it dissipate but it wouldn't move.

"Next, the goggles. These glasses will make you be able to see through the smokescreen you are creating. Your quirk works in close quarters, and you need the advantage. They have glass that ensures you will be able to see. Try it!"

His scream pierced the room the next moment, victory thrumming through Mei as she stared at the wide-eyes excitement that was filling his gaze.

"Ha, with this I can definitely smash these 1-A bastards to pieces. Even Bakugou," Monoma boasted, spinning around the room and in between the ones who were still rubbing at their eyes.

"What the FUCK is his problem. I didn't even do anything!" Bakugou's voice interrupted her introspective thoughts, an eye-roll following them.

"Shut the fuck up."

"WHAT DID YOU SAY TO ME? I'll kill you!"

Her pride in the invention was not going to be outweighed by his sheer annoying nature, brutish and painful to even look at, without being on the receiving end of any of his blows. Although she found herself wanting to punch him in the stomach. 

But, sadly, she had to refrain from doing so, even if it left a frustrated feeling pooling within her.

She instead used this to rile him up further, taunting Bakugou and then ditching him once Monoma came back to show off. Yet again. The redhead slid up beside her, ignoring the side-eyed glance Mei shot her way.

They sat in silence, pretending not to watch exploso boy and copycat fella duking it out. Or trying to.. Vlad King was surprisingly good with the unruly kids.

Mei tried to ignore the weight on her shoulders, knowing Izuku should be here too, feeling an eternal sense of doom as she stood there. They didn't know when he would wake up, but at least they were sure he would.

And Mei had been given work to do. She would damn well do it.

"They really are… something, aren't they." The girl's voice was confused and Mei could actually see why. Bakugou was biting Monoma for some reason. Feral dogs.

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