Chapter 31

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One moment I was standing, fighting for my bey, the next I was on the ground as my life was slipping away. You were a great partner, turbo x white wolf. I'll miss you and everything in this world, especially lui and butterfree. My lifeless body lay there on the floor as I thought someone had come over to me.

Phi was satisfied that he crushed my bey but suddenly felt a pain in heart. What is this feeling? Why am I feeling something, is Katie okay. He walked over to my body on the ground and looked at how pale I was, and my eyes closed. "Katie, are you okay, get up, please I'm sorry I shattered your bey, please get up. I need that wild spirit to beat me," he said. He tried to shake me awake, but it was no good. I wasn't waking up ever. "Katie, no, don't leave me, hold on, I'll get an ambulance," he said. Hold on, Katie, please for me. Phi then grabbed a phone and dialled 911.

Lui, reyo, and zie were still looking for me when an ambulance went by, so they followed cause they knew wherever it was going, it was probably something related to me, as I like to do and get into trouble at times.

phi was still by my body waiting patiently until he heard the sound of an ambulance coming till it stopped outside his house and a pair of paramedics came in "sir, what is the problem" she asked. "I think my friend is dying, but I don't know," he said, "don't worry, sir, we will get her to the hospital as fast as we can," he said. Phi nodded as they lifted my body onto a stretcher and carried me off as three men entered "phi, what's going on here" he asked, "lui, zie and some guy I don't know what are you doing here" phi asked, "We came here with Katie, but we lost her, and now we're here, so what is going on" zie asked. phi then broke down "why you crying you're the darkest person that Katie knows, so why you crying" lui asked, "it's all my fault, she's dead because of me, she's gone" phi cried, "what happened, just calm down and explain it calmly" reyo said. "I challenged Katie to a bey battle, and I destroyed her bey in the end as I wanted, but in doing so, I think I killed Katie," phi said. Lui, zie, and reyo were in shock, but then lui started to cry too "not her, not my love, how could you phi, is that why the ambulance was outside your house" lui asked, "yeah, they showed up after I called and just took her to the hospital, you can come with me if you want to go and see her" phi said. Lui, zie, and reyo nodded. Phi then called a cab to go to the hospital.

I was surrounded by a whiteness wondering where I was at. Where da hell is I at, I walked all over, but I couldn't escape the whiteness. Everywhere I looked, it was just white till I saw one speck of darkness and tried to follow it, but every time I tried to get close, it kept getting farther and farther away. Hey, wait, come back, I don't want to be alone. But it didn't stop, but then something came out of the darkness it looked like me but a girl that was dressed in pink with her nails done, wearing makeup, and holding a unicorn, while she held out her hand "come and play with me Katie" she said, "fuck no, I will never join pretty princesses" I said. I then tried to poof her away cause, hey, it's my mind, and I thought I could control it just like certain shows I watched do. But it didn't work she kept trying to come closer, so then I thought of my chest of deadly weapons I keep in my room, and it came to me, so I opened it and found my axe; I grabbed hold of it then ran at the girl and chopped her head off. Off with her head, haha. There was now blood on the clean white floor, but it was no longer a floor; now it was in a river of blood. I guess this is how I end my life. I was floating away like a log in a river, but instead, I was the log, and the river was made of blood and maybe some skulls, two of my favourites, but suddenly I heard a voice "Katie.. Katie.." it said. Hmm, who's there? It doesn't matter, I'm dying, and I don't care as long as my friends are okay and live happy lives, and at least I was able to save lui; oh lui, I loved you so much and will miss you. The voice then got louder and louder until I couldn't handle it. I lifted my body and looked around until my eyes set sights of a golden boy on a wolf; I got up out of the blood river even though I liked it, then went toward whoever. I came up to it and sat down "stand up, katie" it said, "why I just want to lay down and never wake up I failed in life," I said. "no, would white wolf want you to do that" it asked, "no. Still, he's not here anymore, so what do I care" I said, "okay then who am I riding on top of right now, katie," it asked. "who are you, and how do you know my name, and a wolf but not my wolf," I said, "one this is your wolf, two who else would come for you that loves you to death," it asked. "hmm my best friend caroline," I asked, "not from your world, from this world," it asked, "how da hell did you get into my head, are you also dead lui, did I do something bad please tell me" I cried. "no I'm just apart of your Conscience telling you to wake up and go to your friends," he said, "but what about my bey phi destroyed him, I thought my Conscience would be me," I asked, "well, you killed her, so I'm here and on your wolf" he said. I then came closer and felt the familiar soft fur always near me, or I petted, and my eyes opened up wide. "I would never want that bitch as my Conscience, and I missed you white- I mean gold wolf," I said sadly. "it's okay, Katie, as long as you live and have the love of beyblading, I will always be in your heart, you just need to wake up and let your friends help you," he said, "but I don't know if I have the strength to get back up again," I said, "here take my hand," lui said. I took his hand and got on the back of gold wolf and held on tight to my love, and had a fun ride.

My eyes then opened, and I sat up painting "lui" I said.

A/N: his people im back and have lots of crazy stuff going on in my head. Now I've got to watch more of the masked zinger! remember to keep howling my wolfs :) XP -FiveAnimals-

Beyblade x Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora