Chapter 28

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"Katie wait, stop," he said. "what is it? Lui im trying to run from him," she said, "but you already killed him, and how are you holding and pulling me? You have no hands," he said. "ugh, I have magic and the force to help me pull and push now any more questions," I asked, "no now what is your plan you already killed your father and rescued me. Why do you look so different," he asked. I then just pulled him closer and landed a kiss on his mouth "does that answer your question" I asked, smirking, "you're crazy" he said, "really that's my middle name, haha" I said "Katie!" two people shouted. I then turned around and saw two familiar people running toward me and lui, "hey guys" I said. R and Z then ran into my arms "hi reyo and zie, what's up" I asked, "what do you mean what's up? You left the hospital without telling us why" zie asked. "hmm, let me think I left cause one I didn't need help and two I had to go kill someone and save a certain blue fire a**hole" I said, "really well is he fine now" reyo asked. "no well I don't know, I just know he needs to rest from what my ex-father did so can we go back to your place z" I said, "fine but we are gonna talk when we get back" zie said, "fine whatever you say z" I said.

I was walking arm and arm and keeping an eye on lui, making sure he was careful while reyo, probably making sure I wouldn't run off like I usually like to do, so I unlocked my arm from lui and ran in front of my friends and ran to zies place "Katie! wait up" reyo, zie, and lui said. But I was having too much fun like I always do.

After a long, fun game of cat and mouse, we were finally at zies house "okay, now is everyone happy" I asked, "no!" reyo, zie, and lui said. Zie then unlocked the front door, and I walked in while my friends helped lui inside and to a room where he could rest, then came back to my little sitcheation as I like to call it. i was sitting in what looked like a living room when reyo and zie came over to me "okay now for you" zie said, "hmm what about me" i asked, "you are nuts" zie said. "yeah so what is new i already know that" i said, "Katie you need to take this serious" reyo said, "okay then what makes it so serious" i asked. "put your arm down" zie said, "but i thought i had to raise an arm to ask a question" i asked, "okay how far are you going to take this" zie wondered, "as far as i can" i said, "can you two stop acting like chidren" reyo asked. "no he/she acting like a child" me and zie said, "just stop now Katie how are we going to fix you" reyo said, "what do you mean I'm perfectly fine" i said, "no your not both of your hands are still chopped off" reyo said, "uh who cares" i said. "well me and zie care about you, and I'm guessing lui alao cares about you, don't you care for him" reyo asked, "sure i do but i don't care if i have hands as long as i can do magic and the force" i said. "well we do and what about your bey how are you going to launch it" zie said, "i have my ways now can you guys please fuck off so i can wait for lui to rest and get better so i can hang with him" i said, "no were gonna fix this one way of another" reyo said. "whatever you think i just dont care and dont want my body back to normal" i said. Even though I know, I will be fixed when I go back. Still, for now, I wanna stay the way I am with my hands cut off and my bey in my heart and to have my lui back. "and don't even fucking think about putting me back in your little lab reyo," I said, "fine well then just sit there and look pretty" reyo said, "come here, just come over here" I said. reyo then came over by me, and I slapped him across the face "wtf, Katie, why did you do that" reyo asked, "cause you told me to be pretty, and I'm not pretty; I'm evil" I said, "fine whatever you say kate" reyo said, "who da fuck told you that name" I asked angrily. reyo then walked away with zie to try and figure out what to do with my crazy, nuts, evil self.

A little bit later I woke up cause I somehow fell asleep but when I woke up I was in you guessed it, I was in his little lab, a door opened and in can him "how da hell in da world did you get me here and are we still at z's" I asked. "one I have a room in his house that is the lab like I have at my place and two you fell asleep, and it was easy to get you, so now I'm just figuring out how to fix you" he said. "and I fucking told you I dont want to be fixed I am fine da way I am reyo, so undo this, and I will not harm yea" I said. "what is wrong with you" he asked, "hmm everything" I said, "okay well you're staying right there okay" he said, "no way now undo it" I said. "sorry I cant do that kate you need healing" he said, "I will get you for this reyo" I said, "you'll thank me for this later" he said, "no I won't" I said. reyo then did some things then left me to rote in what I like to call hell.

reyo then exited the room then saw zie and lui "any news" zie and lui asked. "yeah, she's awake and is mad/crazy as ever at me" reyo said, "sorry she's acting like that, but you know her, and she didn't want to do this we made her do this" zie said. "I just want her back to normal" lui said, "don't worry, buddy, she'll be back to normal soon," reyo said.

I was wide awake lying in bed hooked up to medical supplies, and stuff was wrapped around my hands so I couldn't get out of this time like it was easier last time to get out of reyos property "white wolf can you hear me" I asked, "yes are you okay" white wolf asked. "I don't want to be normal," I said, "I know you don't, but maybe you could just get one hand back," white wolf said. "maybe that would be fine if I had one, but if I did would you go back into just a bey," I asked, "no way now that we know that you are my person and I am your bey we are one and either one of us won't let go," white wolf said, "okay well will see how far reyo wants to take this," I said, "yeah we will see for now can't you just comply and let him help us" white wolf asked. "sure but I don't like it," I said, "I know" white wolf. I then just waited for reyo to come back to me.

A/N: hi, peoples im back with another crazy chapter, and I have realised that if I write on my computer for a few hours, it takes less time on my iPad and update. I love that I have all this time to write; I mean, all I have is time now that they closed school until April, so all im going to be doing is write and read or hang with my family. but that's nuts id instead jump off of something then hang with them for a long time cause I know how much my big family drives me crazy, well byes for nows :) XP

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