Chapter 8

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Me and zie we're now on the road to who knows where "hey Katie" he asked, "Yeah, what's up" I asked, "what do you do besides beyblading" he asked. "hmm, besides trying not to get taken care of reading, write, hang with friends mostly why do you ask" I said, "I'm just curious you don't do anything besides train" he said. "Yeah, that's because all I have is my bey and my launcher, I had some money, but I used it on my new outfit plus," I said, "plus what," he asked. I then brought my fist close to me "fight me, hehe" I said, "you are crazy, you know that, right" he said, "yeah, I know, now let's go" I said. "Wait, hold up, Katie, where are we going," he asked, "as I said on a Pokemon Journey," I said, "I still don't know what that means," he said, "good now come on, hehe," I said. I then ran off while zie chased me behind, wanting me to slow down.

While that happened, Lui got on his private jet and started to fly to wherever he thought she would be. "Lin, fly off to where Katie and I first met," Lui said. "Yes, sir," Lin said. Lui then went to the back of the plane. Don't worry, Katie, I'll find you sooner or later. Lui then brought lulnor and started to train on his bey field built in his jet.

Later, zie was looking for me high and low but couldn't find me. "Katie! Where are you" he yelled. I then jumped from my hiding spot and pounced on him "what is wrong with you" he asked. I then put my hand over his mouth "shh, be quiet, idiot, your gonna get us caught, now look over there" I said quietly. Zie nodded and looked over while I removed my hand; he then saw a furry little creature in the grass "pie?" It wondered. "What the hell is that" he whispered, "I told you a Pokémon," I said, "what is a Pokémon? Please explain," he whispered, "a pocket creature now stay here while I show you," I said, "what the" he whispered. I then went over and made a poke ball bigger and threw it at the Pokémon, it then lighted red and tried to escape, but I caught it "yes, gotcha" I said excitedly. Zie then stood up and ran over to me "what the hell was that!" He yelled, "I told you a Pokémon journey," I said, "yes, okay, but all you said Katie was they were pocket monsters, so what has happened to our world around us," he asked, freaking out. "First calm the F down, and two relax we're still in our world well your world there has just been a few twinks," I said sneakily, "what is wrong with your mind and what do you mean by that first thing my world, it's our world," he said. "Well, you'll have to catch me, hahaha," I said, running away with my new Pokémon. "Wait up, Katie, this is a dangerous forest, Wait up, and when you meant a journey, I thought you meant getting stronger with our bey's!" He shouted, running after me.

I was running till I hid in a bush and let zie try to find me while being sneaky and let out the Pokémon I caught "hi caterpie, I'm Katie, and we're gonna be Besties" I whispered, "pie! Pie!" Caterpie said excitedly. The bushes then rustled next to me and ahead poked in, Well more like a white head, "ah-ha found you," he said. Caterpie then got spooked, and string shot zie in the face and made him tumble backwards "hahaha" I laughed "please stop laughing; it's not that funny; now get out here" he said. I then crawled out and saw zie; his hair was white, but when I looked at his face and saw it was messy with sticky web, "you look re dick u lus," I said, "shut up," he said. Zie then took my arm and had me sat down across from him on the ground "now tell me what is going on and explain clearly or else" he said. "ok, what do I need to explain" I asked, "everything now" he said, "ok I'll break it down this more easily we are go ing on a Pok e mon jour ney is that better" I asked. "No! I don't even know what that is; you need to explain that now, I'm going crazy," he yelled, "woah, calm down, we're friends here, ok fine, I'll stop acting crazy and explain" I said. "Thank you," he said, "of course well Pokémon are different creatures small and big, all kinds of shapes and colours, and all kinds of types they can be called pocket monsters you can catch them and become friends or they will Rome the wild and help all over," I said. "Yes, that's an explanation of what they are, but what do you do after you catch them and why are they here," he asked. "Oh, that's easy; you do whatever, you can train them, play with them, groom them, breed them, feed them food and treats, and lots more now the other reason I can't tell you," I said. "And why the hell not," he asked, "because I want you to find out on your own," I said, "fine be like that well okay then what's next," he asked, "hmm next we start our journey," I said, "yeah what kind of journey," he asked. I then brought out white wolf and shoved it in his face "a journey that is fun and crazy one that involves us, Beyblade, Pokémon, and more," I said, "and more? What does that mean" he asked. I then got up, put a caterpie in his ball and ran off "you will see soon, my friend!" I shouted, running, "what the," He said. Zie then got up and ran after me; we ran out of the forest and went to find out where the next bey competition was at.

A/n: here we are, people, next chapter, and I know I'm going crazy, but this book makes me feel alive and crazy so stay tuned for more hehe :)

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