Chapter 9

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"Hey, zie up here!" I shouted. Zie then ran up to me "why are we running and chasing again" he asked, "cause it's fun" I said. I then tumbled to the ground. "Katie, are you okay," he asked, "grab my bag, please," I said. Zie then took hold of my bag that appeared randomly next to me "where did you get this and what do you need from it" he asked, "don't know and don't care, just grab the small orange box, hurry" I said panicking. Zie then looked through the stuff while I was trying to stay calm till he found it "okay, what now, Katie" he asked, "open it please" I pleaded. He opened the box and found a needle "what's this?" he asked, "don't ask questions, just put it in me," I said. "Fine, Kate," he said, "Hey! Only my family gets to call me that butt- I mean idiot," I snarled, "Whatever," he said, rolling his eyes. He then came over to me and put the special needle in me, and I grabbed a juice from my bag that somehow appeared with my medical stuff and snacks. "Now can you tell me what that is all about," he asked, "yeah sure, I have diabetes," I said, "what on earth is that," he asked, "It's when my body doesn't make enough or makes to much sugar or insulin and overflows into my kidneys, now happy," I said. "Okay, that explains what you have but what was that thing I just did for you!" He asked, freaking out. "First, calm the F down and second, it was for my blood sugar that went way too low cause I ran too much, and if it gets dangerously low, I need someone to inject me with that needle and have something with sugar so happy now mister white head," I said. "So what your telling me is that you have a disease that affects your body," he asked. I nodded "then why the heck have you been running so much if you know it's going to hurt your body," he wondered, worrying. "Cause I like to have fun and be chased by people, so who cares about my body and health," I said, "but Kate, I mean Katie, I care about your health now that I know more, is there only one diabetes or other kinds," he asked. "Yeah, there's type 1 and type 2," I said, "is one worse than the other, and which one do you have?" he asked, "sure ones worse than the other, and I have type 2, so how can we move on with our day?" I said. I then started to walk, but zie yanked my arm and stopped me from going far. "Katie, wait, let's stop in a hospital and heal you up," he said. "No time for rest; we need to go have fun and continue our journey," I said. I tried to run, but zie stopped me and dragged me to the nearest place to heal.

While that happened, Luis jet landed where he first met me near the Beyblade stadiums, but instead of finding me, he found the boys. "Lui? What are you doing here" igur asked, "what am I doing here? What are you doing here" Lui asked, "me, capon, and Fubuki are training now; why are you here," igur asked. "I'm looking for Katie. Do you know if she came by here," Lui said, "no, we haven't seen her; why do you ask," capon asked. "She got away from me, and I'm looking for her, I thought she'd come back to where we met at, but now I don't know," Lui said, "Hey buddy, don't give up will help right guys," capon said, "yeah let's do it Fubuki you wanna help or should we train some more," igur asked. "go find whoever you need to come train then," Fubuki said, "thanks, Fubuki, Lui lets go," igur said. Igur and capon then got on Luis jet and thought of some places I would be at.

While that happened, zie brought me into a doctors office and had me checked out the cause, and I quote, "he was worried about me". So I had to spend a little bit in a doctors office while they took care of me while I just wanted to get out, and Beyblade, hey, at least caterpie was near me.

Later that day, zie came in and saw me hooked up to an IV and my Pokémon next to me while the doctor was talking with the nurse "hey, Katie, how are you doing" he asked. "Don't ask; you are crazy right now, you know that?" I said, "why just cause I'm worried about my friend," he said, "yeah, that I told you not to take care of me," I said. "Yeah, but you were down, and how were you going to take care of yourself? We're lucky your bag somehow appeared," he said. "Hey, I would've figured it out somehow, now can I leave soon? I wanna blade," I said, "Is this what white wolf would want you to do, do nothing but train?" he asked, freaking out. I then brought out white wolf with my free arm and looked at it "you know something z sometimes I think white wolf doesn't deserve me that it deserves a blader not as crazy as me" I asked, looking at white wolf. "Kate, stop saying things like that, of course, it does, plus you have this thing to take care of, so pick up a smile and think of what's gonna happen after this," he said. "Z you crazy you know that right," I said, "yeah but your crazier, so heal up, so we get to the next bey battle," he said. I smiled while zie sat down in the chair next to me, making sure I was okay.

A/n: here we go, people, next chapter up after a long time, sorry for the wait; I was writing my other crazy messed up stories and editing them bye ;)

Ps: now you know a little about me and one of my diseases

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