Chapter 18

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I was walking in the woods thinking of good thoughts and wondering what those idiot boys got their asses into this time, but who cares? The letter still Specifically requested for me, whoever this bitch was. "Partners are you ready for this," I asked my bey and poke ball. But my poke ball did nuthing while my bey made a gleam of hope, which made me smile. Great, then let's go, but the woods are just really calming right now; no, I've got to save em even if they are idiots. I then shook off whatever the woods was giving to make me feel calm and made a run for it.

A few minutes later, after I made it out of the woods, I looked up at my surroundings and saw what I could with my poor vision, but I did notice what looked like a village close by. Maybe this mysterious bitch lives in that village. Before I started to run or speed walk, I decided to go into my bag and pull out a box. "Ah, snack time and I better feed metapod," I said. I then let metapod out, "meta?" He questioned, "don't worry, buddy, it's okay; we're safe, and I'm a little better," I said. "Meta meta," he squealed happily, "I know you're happy too well, are you hungry," I asked; he squealed happily again. I then went back into my bag and brought out a bag of dog food? It will have to do maybe it's the same as poke food cause that isn't real in real life. I opened the bag and put some in my hand "here you go, metapod" I said; I put my hand out, and he looked at me weirdly "it's for you to eat metapod, please eat" I said. I then placed the food on the ground and just waited for my buddy to eat; a few seconds after waiting, metapod finally went near the food and sniffed it, then ate one piece, and his eyes lit up "oh does that mean you like it" I asked, I then face-palmed myself cause that was a dumb question to ask since he ate that meant he liked it duh I'm so dumb. "Okay, are you full," I asked; he shook his head; no, well, I think that's what he did, so I just gave him some more food while I ate my granola bars.

Later I was done with my snack, and I think metapod was full "okay, let's get going before dark; you wanna go on my shoulder" I said. metapod nodded, I bent down on one knee, and he jumped up on my right shoulder "okay, now let's go" I said; I then put the box of granola bars and a bag of food back in my bag and raced off to the village that was close by.

All it took was a hop and a skip over the rainbow to get to the village, kidding; hehe, I just walked super fast, going through small streams or puddles, crushing twigs, leaves, or any small things on the ground while walking, and going over some big logs. However, I still make it in a mess which was fun cause who doesn't like getting messy and dirty. I was now panting heavily, so I rested for a few minutes, then picked myself up and went toward an older looking man "excuse me, sir, may I ask you a question" I asked. he then looked up at me and smiled "oh, of course, miss how may I help you" he asked, "I was wondering if you knew a woman name Lucy she sent me a letter and I was wondering if she lived in this village" I said. "Oh, let me see, I don't know what this Lucy you are talking about looks like, but a woman known by that name lives at the top of that hill in the White House," he said. "Oh, okay, I don't know what she looks like either. I only received a note; well, thanks anyway, sir, for your time," I said, "welcome, miss," he said. I then walked away to the place the man said to see if this was the woman or girl that sent me that note and an entertaining shadow character.

A few minutes after, I walked through the village, looking around what they had to offer. It was a cute little village, but then I focused and got to my destination kind of I like to get distracted sometimes. I then knocked on the home door, and a man opened up "good day, miss, how may I help you today" he asked. "Hi, my name is Katie showco, and I'm here to see a miss Lucy; she sent me a letter in the mail or by people. I guess she's home," I said. "Of course, miss showco, please come in; you can sit and wait while I tell her," he said; I just nodded and followed the man inside and waited for this bitch and get the guys back. Oh fuck I forgot about them. I was so focused on beating this girl I forgot; well, maybe she'll make a deal, I thought.

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