Chapter 7

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Lui brought me to a dining table and sat me down. "Hey, you know I'm not a kid, right," I said "yeah, I just want to help," he said, "your very strange Lui shirosagi," I said, "yeah, but your stranger," he said, "ha! Don't make me laugh now; what are you going to do with me" I asked. Lui then left and went into another room where I smelled some excellent food. "I hope that's bey bread," I said. "Ha, you wish I don't know how to make volts moms recipe. I made something else," he said, "awe ok fine, but bey bread is more delicious," I said. Lui then came out with a dish it smelled good, but Lui wouldn't let me see it till he set it down. "Okay, this is special, okay I don't do this for most well anyone," he said, "ok well show me," I said, "okay fine," he said. Lui then lifted the dish cover and showed me. "I thought you said you didn't know how to make bey bread," I said. "I said I didn't know volts moms bread. I have my recipe; try it," he said. I locked up at him, shocked, but then I just grabbed a piece of bread and took a bite, and it tasted so good "it's so good, Lui," I said, "I'm glad you like it, Katie," he said, "you want some," I asked, "sure but you need to eat most," he said. "Why I'm not that hungry," I said, "you need to eat showco," he said. I then pushed the plate away a little bit and stood up "are you mad at me" he asked. "No, I'm just wondering why you take care of me so much," I asked, "cause your sp," he said, "please don't finish with I'm special I want a reason why I'm special," I said. "Okay, fine, you're meant to do great and become a great blader. I know," he said, "okay," I said. I then walked over to the exit door while Lui started at me "where are you going" he asked, "outside to train, bye" I said. I then went out the door and went outside, where I sneaked over the fence, making sure Lui didn't see me and went to find a certain white-haired boy.

Zie walked into his house and saw his brother run out and hug him "big bro, your home finally" he said, "Hi Sam, where's mom" zie asked, "right here, honey" she said. Zie looked up and saw his mom behind him and his little brother "how was the championships" she asked, "good, I won till the top two" zie said. "Awe, it's okay, you'll get it, next time son, now come to dinner," she said. Zie nodded and went to eat dinner with his mom and little brother.

While I went to sniff out zie cause I was Half wolf, just kidding, I'm so crazy, but I just followed the way I saw zie take. I think, oh well, who cares if I get lost.

Zie ate some good food with his family then went outside to train blue "ready to go blue" he asked. Blue then shined, "I'll take that as a yes, ok 3, 2, 1 let it rip," he said. Zie then let blue fly from his launcher and start training.

I was walking down a street when I heard a familiar voice and looked over a fence and saw him with his white hair, brown eyes that sparkled with excitement while he was wearing a dark red jacket with a red shirt and red tie. "Hey, z!" I Shouted. Zie looked over and saw me with my brown hair and wolf ears "what the, how and when did you get here" he asked. "Hmm, now, and I followed the way you went, and I heard you," I said. "You are very weird and crazy," he said, "hmm I like those nicknames," I said; I then came over the fence and looked at him closely, "okay, now what do you want," he asked, "what do I want, hmm to get away from good boy Lui and have some fun," I said, "hahaha you are crazy well why'd you come here," he asked. "I wanna go on an adventure," I said, "but aren't you already on one," he asked, "yeah, but I mean one with you, a Pokémon adventure," I said. "Ha, I don't even know what that is, but why with me and not fire boy," he asked, "cause you are the only one that won't try to take care of me and make me go insane," I said. "Haha, ok, fine, you wanna train before you go," he said, "you read my mind, and seriously you'll do it," I said. "Sure, your crazy but good crazy that drives you and your bey together," he said. I smiled and got my launcher out "okay, let's do this" I said. Zie smirked and got this bey ready "3, 2, 1, let it rip" I and zie said. Our beys launched and started to spin and clash with each other "speed it up, white wolf" I said, "blue take the centre" he said. "Who do you think is stronger, me or you," I asked, "why do you act so weird, Katie," he asked, "cause I have a crazy F'd up head and think of anything that pops up in my head," I said. "Ok, well then blue destroy it," he said, "white wolf nightmare crush," I said. Our bey's collided, and both hit each other till they both ran out of steam "there it's a draw thanks for the training zie" I said, "your welcome now come inside with me" he said, "okay, why," I asked, "cause we need to pack some things and then will be on our way," he said. I nodded while he pulled me inside to do stuff.

At Liu's, Lui just sat and waited for Katie to return till he saw molly "hi molly have you seen Katie" he asked, "hi uncle Lui no, I have not, not since yesterday" she said. "Okay, well, I'll go look for her. Are you having a good day so far," he asked, "yeah, thanks for staying with Franki and me while momma and daddy are gone," she said, "your welcome, molly, I'll be back," he said. She nodded while Lui went outside and looked for Katie training, but instead, there was no one, and Katie wasn't there. Where the hell did you go, fire? I need to know now; well, don't worry, I'll find you. Lui then went back inside and got some things ready to find Katie.

Back at hir's, zie and I entered, and a little boy got excited. "Sam calms down," zie said. Zie's mother then walked in and saw her son with me with him "zie, who is this" she asked, "mom, this is my friend Katie; we're going on a journey," he said. "Oh, ok, here I'll help you with packing," she said. She then got some things together and handed them to hir, and me I and we put them in two big bags "ok, thanks, mom, we got it, come on, Katie let's get going" he said. I nodded and followed hir out of his home, and we started our way to wherever we were going.

A/n: here we go, people, new chapter up going to edit now hehe :)

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