Chapter 11

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I and zie continued our journey to England while walking with our two "buddies" is what zie likes to call them. "Hey Katie," he said, "yeah what's up z," I asked, "stop calling me that and what's next for us," he asked, "never! Until you stop calling me Kate and what do you mean" I asked. "I mean do we continue on our bey journey together or do go our own ways," he asked, "Hey what did I tell you," I said, "well you said a lot of things," he said. "Yeah, the main thing," I said, "a Pokémon adventure," he said, "ding ding ding we have a winner, that's correct," I said. "Weirdo and I still don't know what that means," he said, "hey you say weird I say crazy and that means we stick together till the end, you don't take care of me, and you never and I mean ever bring me back to Lui shirosagi," I said. "Okay well so far I've done two of those things but why are we stuck together," he asked, "z are you saying you don't like me if you don't just tell me," I said. "No, it's not that it's just why me and not someone else in this world," he asked, "because you are the only person that was a true friend to me," I said, "but what about Lui, igur, capon, volt aren't they friends," he asked. "Sure but they aren't friends I would trust with my life like you or stay by my side no matter what," I said, "okay well then I guess let's go best friend?" He said. "Haha not even close I have better best friends that have known me more than you have but we can be best friends if you want," I said smiling. Zie smiled then I ran off "Katie Wait don't run!" He shouted. Zie then ran after me and metapod with his riolu while I was having so much fun.

Later that day we showed up at the Beyblade tournament but instead of going in cause the tournament wasn't until later in the week I pulled zie away from the giant building "um Kate what you doing" he asked. "Dude the tournament isn't until later in the week so I have two or three ideas in mind to past the time," I said, "do I want to even know?" he asked, "hehe of course you do," I said sneakily, "okay go ahead happy pants," he said. "Happy pants? Hahaha that's a new one, well I was thinking we could find a place to stay, and we can either train our bey's, do whatever we want to do with our Pokémon, or finally, we can just hang and do whatever" I said. "Okay will set up camp and I'll work on my bey and you can do whatever with our pocket creatures or riolu or whatever you call it can do whatever she wants," he said. "Okay first F off too, secondly when you gonna say Pokémon, that's what they're called, thirdly they have feelings too you know, and finally how do yah know it's a girl," I said. "Because I can just tell and you will not get me to say it showco," he said, "oh no you didn't, Okay that's it," I said. I then tackled zie to the ground "what is wrong with you" he asked, "you mean wtfh is wrong with me my dear zie" I said. "Who cares who says what, just why are you acting strange," he asked, "strange explain further cause I'm always strange," I said. "Why did you tackle me down, your gonna hurt yourself," he said, "stop right now, you don't worry about me, you worry about yourself cause your gonna get beat up by a girl," I said. "What why," he asked, "cause you don't care about anything but blading," I said. I then punched and slapped zie's perfect little face. "Katie please stop," he said. But I needed to make him see that there's more to life than just Beyblade, till I was down on the ground laying on top of him.

While that happened Lui, igur, and capon landed near the Beyblade tournament Arena and searched all over the area till they saw two little creatures and then saw two people on the ground. "Lui looks who it is," igur said, "quick get them up and let's get them to a hospital, while one or both of you grab their things and those creatures," Lui said, "right" igur and capon said. Lui, igur, And capon then picked up Katie and zie, their things, and whatever the creatures were and ran to the nearest health centre.

When I woke up later I saw luminous bright lights and thought oh shit then I looked up and saw three heads "oh wonderful do what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you peoples," I said. "Hey you left me and you should be thankful we brought you here," Lui said. "Hey I didn't ask you to bring me blue fire, now where is z," I asked. "Who," igur asked, "zie," I said, "oh he's right next to you," capon said. I turned my head and saw zie and what I did to him, what I did to my friend, he had a black eye on his right eye, with some bandages on his face as well and a cast on his left arm but also his nose was wrapped in bandages. "Zie are you okay," I asked, zie didn't say anything. I then looked to my other side and saw metapod "oh there you are metapod" I said, I then looked a little closer and saw him holding my bey "metapod how did you get a hold of white wolf" I asked. I then turned to the other side again and saw my friends with confused faces "guys what's wrong" I asked, "who and what is that and where did it come from" Lui, igur, and capon asked. "Oh that is just my Pokémon he was a caterpie then he evolved into metapod and don't ask any more questions cause I'm not Answering them," I said. My friends then piped up while the doctor came in "hello miss showcoson" he said, "please it's just showco" I said, "okay well we are giving you fluids and food to help your blood do you know that it went very low" he said. "Yes I know if it does go low I need to eat or drink something with sugar but if it gets lower I need to go to the hospital" I said. "yes ma'am now you will be here for a while" he said, "okay how long and will my friend wake up soon" I asked. "Soon later today and a few days," he said, "how many days, cause I have a thing to get to," I said. "Katie, you aren't doing any blading till your healed," Lui said, "why won't I I'm stable enough to blade," I said, "no your not, now get some rest while I have men watch your door," Lui said. "Thanks, not I don't need no protection from you or your goons, you're out of my life blue fire," I said, "hahaha Fire your crazy I'll always be by your side no matter what," Lui said. "No you won't that's zie's job at least he doesn't worry about me and my body, it is you who drove me crazy, so get out and don't come back, igur and capon are always welcome but not you," I said. Lui then balled his hands into fists, and almost slapped me but the doctor stopped him "sir I'm gonna have to ask you to leave" he said. Lui then marched out "anything else doctor," I asked, "yes your father is coming to see you," he said. "Fuck no!" I yelled. I then tried to get out but the doctor and nurses held me and my friends down and apart from each other, while he walked in.

A/n: here we go, people, next chapter up, I'll be updating my other book tomorrow bye for now :)

Beyblade x Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon