Chapter 12

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As soon as my green eyes saw him, I wanted to run out of there as fast as I could or slap him; either way, they were both fun "ah mister showco," he said, "please, it's showcoson" he said. "Okay, well, we were just hoping you could sign some forms to release your daughter saying she's healthy," he said, "okay but before I do, may I have a chat alone with her, and that means everyone out," he said, "oh, of course, sir, out everyone," he said. All of my friends, the duck tor, and the nurses left me alone with my fake father while z was still unconscious "hello sir, how may I help you" I asked. He slapped me, which was fun "ha, do it again, that was fun," I said, "what is wrong with you, why are you here, and what did I tell you last time," he said. "No, no, no, don't blame this on me; the question is, why are you here? I'm not your kid anymore, so why'd you come, and why do you care," I asked. "Damnit, Katie, we may not live together, but your still my daughter by blood, and I don't care for you," he said "okay then, why did you come," I asked. "Cause I needed to see how your journey was going," he said, "good now get out," I said, "well now I know you are coming home," he said, "oh f no, I told you I'm not coming home, and that's final," I said. "Yes, you are so that we can keep track of your blood," he said. "No, we're not, I'm staying on my journey, and nothing can stop me; I will be a Beyblade master," I said. "Screw you then, showco, have a nice life, and this is the last thing I'm ever doing for you," he said. "Fine with me, plus you have to get home to your precious angel, my sister," I said, "yes, at least she obeys now; goodbye, showco," he said. He then walked away while I just laid in my bed "metapod come here, please" I asked. Metapod then came on my chest, and I snuggled with him to sleep.

In the hall, the doctor and mister showcoson discussed and argued about me while he signed some papers and left while I slept while I hoped no one else would try to destroy my life or get in the way of my journey. I also hoped that z was okay, I didn't mean to hurt him that bad, but I also wondered what would come of me, my Pokémon, and my Beyblade life next.

Later that day, I was still resting till a certain white-haired ass woke up "well, hello z" I said, "Katie is that you, where are we" he asked, "we're in the hospital, duh, don't you remember" I said, "no usually it's just you here" he said. "Okay, well do you want me to call the duck tor or just let you rest," I asked, "the what, oh please don't start with me crazy," he said, "oh you know I never stop being crazy," I said, "just get the doctor," he said, "fine," I said. I then pressed the pager for the doctor, and he came in quickly "yes, miss showco is everything okay" he asked, "I'm fine, zie has just woken up," I said. The doctor then looked over and saw my friend awake "oh, thank you, miss" he said; the doctor then rolled zie out and went to look over him with some nurses. "Well, I guess it's just the four of us," I said, "meta?" Metapod said, "you, me, riolu, and white wolf, but don't worry, once we're done, will go back on our journey," I said. I then went to rest some more, till it was time to go, well who knows when that is.

But then I was suddenly awoken by an unwanted presence "Katie!" It yelled. I opened my eyes to see molly "molly, what are you doing here" I asked. "Lui told me you were in the hospital, so he and Franki brought me to see you," Molly said, "Lui! I told you not to come," I said, "hey special, you know I can't keep away," he said, "oh f to the no," I said. I then rang the pager for the doctor again "yes, miss showco" he said, "please assort these people out of me, and zie's room, or should I have metapod sir strong shot" I asked, "fire, when did you change" he asked, "never, I'm still my, fun lovely, crazy self, I just cut people at points in my life that aren't useful" I said. Lui then tore the medical things off me, grabbed me and pulled me away to his jet, probably while everyone ran behind us trying to catch Lui or me.

On Luis jet, Lui locked the jet door and tossed me to one side, then saw me with hungry, crazy purple fired eyes. "I'm not giving up," I said. I then brought my shaky right arm up with my bey "haha, a fighting soul like usual fire" he said, "one last battle" I said, "okay, and what do I get if I win" he asked. "You get me, and I follow you everywhere," I said, "and if you win," he asked, "I leave, I go with zie, and I never see you again," I said. "You're just messing with me, aren't you, cause whether you win or lose, your still gonna leave," he asked, "no," I said sarcastically, "you're being sarcastic, aren't you," he said, "no I'm being honest," I said, "okay fine Lin make sure no one gets in or interrupts me and Katie's bey battle," he said, "yes sir," Lin said. I then got up and walked slowly to the bey field "ready to be mine, Katie showco" he asked, "nope, now prepare to (die) lose" I said. I then put white wolf in my launcher and got ready to launch "hey Katie, give up, your in no condition to battle" he said, "blah, blah, blah who cares about me, let's get this going" I said. Lui then had a fierce look on his face and put lulnor in his launcher and got ready as well "three, two, one let it rip" we both shouted and then let our bey's rip "speed it up, white wolf" I said, "lulnor take the centre" he said. "You know Katie, this is fun," he said, "yeah, it is fun like me chasing my dog tail; you know I'm a half-dog," I said. "Stop being crazy and concentrate cause you are not a dog," he said, "fine, I just thought I could trick you, well okay, white wolf crush it with nightmare crush," I said, "Lulnor dragon scream," he said. Our beys then went head-on till it ended in a draw "okay, game over, I'm out of here" I said, "no that's not the rules, you have to get a burst to win" he said, "fine, fine let's go at it again I guess," I said. Lui and I then put our bey's in our launchers and launched our bey's again "white wolf speed up" I said, "you are going down," he said, "no I'm not, now white wolf total darkness" I said, "oh no you don't lulnor brutal squall" he said. Our bey's then collided and made sparks flying until there was nothing but smoke.

After the smoke cleared me and Lui looked down and saw both our bey's in pieces; I then gathered the pieces and put it together in my hand "thank you, white wolf, you did great now rest" I said, Lui then did the same and handed me a hand "here Katie you missed a piece" he said, "oh thanks" I said. I then took the piece, but then I touched his hand and felt something. I then backed up. "Katie, what's wrong," he asked. "Nothing, just stay the hell away from me," I said, "but Katie," he said, "no, let me out so I can return to my happy life," I barked. Lui then opened the door, and I ran out. Don't worry, Katie. I know you felt it too, don't worry, I'll always watch over you, and you will fall for me as I have.

A/n: here we go, people, and yes, I went crazy like usual hehe :) XP

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