Prinxiety Angst man

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*tw: mentions of abuse

I ran, I didn't know where I was going, but I had to get out. Snow crunched beneath my bare feet and cold whipped me in the face as I hurried through the crowded streets. I pushed past people as I ran desperate to get away, I couldn't deal with him anymore, I couldn't.

I began to slow down as I got farther and farther from our apartment, as I slowed to a walk, I realized I had run a good 4 blocks. I leaned up against one of the many skyscrapers, the cold was starting to get to me.

I had left the house in nothing but my hoodie and pants, too angry and scared to grab anything else. I stuffed my hands in my pockets and felt metal against my hand. I gripped the object and pulled out my phone, apparently I had left it in my pocket. At least that was good.

I rubbed my arms trying to not lose feeling in them, my feet already numb. I checked the street to see I was on 11th. An idea popped into my head, as I stared at the street sign and I once more pulled out my phone.

A ring came through the line, then another, and another before a smooth voice answered.

(A/n oops I changed POV... rip me)

"Hey, what's up Virge?" Virgil sighed, relief filling him as he heard that all too familiar voice.

"Hey Roman, you live on 11th street right?" Virgil was panicking

"Yeah, why? Are you ok?" Roman asked concerned

"Kinda? I'm by the offices-" Virgil could tell his voice was shaking, so for once he wasn't upset by being cut off by his friend.

"What?! It's literally in the negatives, why are you outside?!" Virgil heard rustling on the line and could only imagine the frantic Roman.

"Please just pick me up, I can't... not right now." Tears would be falling if it wasn't for the wind drying his eyes.

"Ok, stay there I'm coming." A door was heard through the phone as Roman rushed towards Virgil's location.

"Please, don't hang up-"

"I won't, I promise I won't, just breathe ok?" The boy nodded even though the other couldn't see. "In for 4... hold for 6... out for 8." Roman talked through the Exercise, but he didn't know if it was for him or his friend.

"O-ok, are you near?"

"Turning the corner, oh Virgil." Roman has turned to almost run into the other. He hung up before hugging his friend.

"I can't feel my arms Roman." The boy pulled away and looked at the darker man.

"Oh god, I'm calling Logan!" He went to pull out his phone again before Virgil stopped him.

"Wait, can you bring me back first?" Roman nodded

"Can you walk?" Virgil slowly raised his head ever so slightly, Roman almost didn't realize he was nodding.

"Too bad."

And that's how Roman carried the boy back to his apartment.


Virgil was sitting on Romans red couch, three different blankets and Romans hoodie around him. He slowly sipped some tea as Roman made a call to Logan in the kitchen.

Roman was worried sick, his stomach was in a knot and his brows were furrowed as he called Logan.


"Logan! Oh thank god!" Roman exclaimed after calling him for the third time.

"What's going on? Are you ok-"

"I'm fine but Virgil isn't, he called me to pick him up off the street. I don't know what's going on but I think he might have frostbite." Roman quickly explained

"Why was Virgil on the street though?" Logan questioned already standing up from his date with Patton. Slapping a fifty on the table and walking off, Patton close behind.

"I don't know! He just called me panicking, telling me he was on Eleventh Street! I'm worried, I think Dominic did something!" Roman was pacing now, back and forth, back and forth.

"Ok, well Patton and I are walking down to the subway now, I need to explain what's going on to him. Stay with Virgil though, make him drink something warm and make sure he stays awake." Logan ordered, going into mom and doctor mode alike.

"I will." And with that the conversation ended, Roman going to talk with the freezing Virgil and Patton and Logan riding a dirty subway.

A knock was heard at Romans wooden door. He quickly stood and opened it wide, pulling in Logan and Patton from the cold.

"Where is he?" Logan got straight to business, handing Patton his coat.

"On the couch."

Logan made his way over to Virgil, thoughts whirling in his head. After a quick checkup however Logan calmed down, Virgil seemed fine physically, only in shock.

He explained this to everyone, and everyone was grateful of course; the question still lingered however... Why was Virgil out in the first place?

Patton decided to try talking to him, having known him the longest.

"Hey kiddo." Patton rounded the corner from where he and the other two had been talking "how are you doing?"

"Fine I guess." Virgil wouldn't meet his eyes.

"Can you tell me what happened?" Patton was hesitant, talking in a quiet voice, one you would use to soothe a scared kitten.

"Well... I-I just can't believe it happened" Virgil looked up tears in his eyes.

Patton wrapped the boy in a hug as he began crying. He soon fell asleep, but the three friends still didn't understand what had happened.

Virgil opened his eyes, yawning a little as he sat up. It took him a minute to remember where he was, why he wasn't waking up next to his boyfriend of 2 years. But of course the memories flooded back to him and a frown etched it's way into his facial features.

"Oh good, you're awake!" Roman's voice sounded from behind Virgil. He turned and sure enough there he was, his savior.

"Hey Princey." He cracked a small smile. "Thanks for like saving me I guess. You really are a disney character."

Roman smiled a little but it was sad. "Virgie what happened last night?"

"Oh" his smile broke "I mean a lot of stuff. But I'm assuming you mean before I called you?"

Roman only nodded, taking a seat at virgil's feet.

"Well the night started off pretty normal. I had work off yesterday so I was home before Dominic. I cleaned a bit, but mostly just chilled. When I heard the door being unlocked I went to see Dom. We talked for a little until he asked what's for dinner. I told him I had just planned on pizza, but apparently he had wanted me to cook. We got into a long drawn out argument and he told me to leave. I didn't, and that made him angrier. He punched me in the stomach and told me to leave once again, I ran." Virgil was trembling at this point, tears were falling and his cheeks were red.

"C-can I give you a hug?" Roman asked quietly, he waited for Virgil to nod before he wrapped the other in a warm embrace. "It'll be ok Virge. You can stay here and I'll get your stuff for you. You don't have to see him ever again."

The pair rocked back and forth slowly and calmly, until virgil's sobs stopped.

"Thank you Roman. Thank you."

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