Day 3 - Mushroom - Both ships - Chap. 11

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Day 3


Patton pov

The sides had gone camping, and they brought everything they needed. They brought tents, food, hiking sticks, change of clothes, sunscreen (don't wanna get burned kiddos!) and more. So they thought that they had been all prepared, that was until after they got back from their hike.

Virgil and Roman had run ahead to the campsite leaving Logan and I together. We walked at a normal pace, pointing out bits of the beautiful scenery to each other as we headed towards the camp.

Right as Logan pointed out some cool looking mushrooms, we heard a yell. It came from Roman.

We glanced at each other, both of us worried and raced towards the campsite. There we saw the cooler of food we had left on the table had been broken open and scattered around the site. Roman's tent had been ripped to shreds and his stuff was pulled out of his suitcase.

I ran up to Virgil and Roman, but they both seemed fine.

"Are you all ok?" I asked, fussing over the two of them.

"Yeah, dad we are good. Roman just freaked out over his tent getting ripped and his clothes getting muddy." Virgil explained.

"My sashes, and my white shirts, they are ruined!" Roman was crying, his mascara running.

"Oh it's ok." I gave him a hug. "We can wash them, but for now you'll just have to borrow someone's clothes. Let's see, you could wear mine... but there problem too big and Logan's taller than you so that wouldn't work... but Virge is about the same height as you! Y'all can share!" I concluded.

"What? No!" They both yelled, raging into a fight.

I sighed used to it by now. I looked at Logan before trying to get the two of them to calm down.

"Guys, come on." I said, but I don't think they heard me over their yells. I kept trying to reason with them but they either didn't hear or didn't care. Logan finally got fed up and brought out his Mom voice.

"VIRGIL, ROMAN BOTH OF YOU SHUSH NOW!" He glared at the pair as a quiet filled the air, them staring back at him. "Both of you guys need to stop fighting. The only logical explanation is for Roman to share clothes and a tent with Virgil, since Patton and I are already sharing a tent."

Roman huffed, crossing his arms and opening his mouth to argue.

"No buts! Now Roman go to our tent to calm down, Virgil go to your's."

They did as told, and after they were both out of earshot I asked timidly: "what are we gonna eat?"

"Well, there are some plants that are edible on the forest." Logan replied rubbing his forehead. "Those mushrooms I showed you earlier, for example."

"I could make a stew!" I clapped excitedly "we can use some of the natural spices around and I can boil it over the fire!"

"That sounds wonderful love." Logan smiles wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Hmm, I think I deserve a prize for thinking of it." I responded resting my forehead against his.

He laughed "And what might the prize be?"

"A kiss."

He chuckled and pulled me closer, enveloping my lips in a warm embrace. A feeling of happiness engulfed me as I stood there in the arms of my boyfriend, kissing him. It was a nice feeling and I never wanted it to end, but it did.

"Gross guys, get a room." Virgil walked out of his tent, headphone around his neck.

I sighed. "Virgil, will you get Roman? We need to gather supplies for dinner since the bear ate our pre packed ones."

He groaned but obayed, walking to the other side of camp.

I pulled away from Logan clutching his hand. "They're gonna be the death of me."

Virgil pov

We got back with all the supplies needed, and Dad headed off to cool the stew, Logan following like a little puppy. That left me stuck with Roman.

As much as I hated to admit it, he was cute. I had a crush on him, so making us share a small enclosed space? Not great for my anxiety.

He had already walked ahead giving Patton the supplies and heading my- our tent. I sighed giving Patton mine as well.

I opened the flap of the tent, ducking down a bit so my head didn't hit the top. Roman was sitting down in the opposite corner of where my stuff was, reading what appeared to be a romance novel.

I sat in my corner and just listened to music, letting the lyrics engulf me. After a while I began to doze off, and right before I fell into a peaceful sleep, I felt a poke.

I opened my eyes to see Princey above me. "What do you want?" I groaned rubbing my eyes.

"Sorry, but I'm bored."


"And I wanna play a game." He responded sitting back in his corner.

"Ok what do you wanna play." I sighed knowing if I didn't agree he'd bug me till I did.

"20 questions?" I sighed, seemed harmless enough

"Ok, one round."


We asked each other pointless questions until we finally got to number nineteen.

"Do you have a crush?" I stiffened as Roman asked that.

"Yes. Do you?" I asked, only one more question.

"Hey, no reusing questions!" The prince whined.

"Fine! Uh, cats or dogs?"

"Dogs all the way." I rolled my eyes to anxious to argue

"Whatever, say your last question Princey."

"Is your crush me? I didn't realize before, but he had scooted closer to me while the game was going on, now only inches away.

I slowly nodded and he smirked. "Then you won't mind me doing this?"

He pulled on my hoodie and our lips crashed together. The kiss was messy and sloppy, but I loved every second of it.  It was a nice feeling and I never wanted it to end, but it did.

"Hey Kiddos- oh sorry!" Patton had stuck his head in the tent but must have quickly retracted it because I barely saw a glimpse of it.

I was beyond embarrassed, my dad just saw my first kiss. Roman was red too and we both just sat there. Until the prince broke the silence.

"I guess dinners ready huh?"

Stay geeky my friends! May the fandoms be with you!

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