Quotes/short chapter

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Roman: ok everyone, Patton's sick. We can't have anyone else sick, so how do you feel?
Virgil: Like I'm dying.
Roman: So Virgil's normal.

Logan: So what's the next step in the equation?
Virgil: *slowly* ....crying?

Roman: Dadddddddd, I need help opening this *holds out dnd dice box*
Patton: not now son, I'm trying to kill the evil spider.

Remus: I wanna fuck myself with a garbage knife.
Patton: Eff yourself?
Logan: Garbage knife??

Deceit: I totally didn't just harass that 6th grader.
Remus: you kinda did.
Deceit: he was being Homophobic to my son, we can't have that.

Patton: my hair looks like a curly flip flop.

Remus: *licks the cafeteria table* *smacks lips* it's a bit blannnnd.

Virgil: I'm ready for an existential crisis. I haven't slept in over a week, I had half a saltine for breakfast, and I cried over a cat this morning.

"You ready for the live stream?" Virgil asked as he set up the camera.

"Obviously, Hot topic." Roman laughed and smoothed down his hair. The two of them were housemates, and both had successful youtube channels. Roman did makeup, Virgil had more of a dan howell styled channel. They collabed a lot living together and what not.

"Hey guys. It's me FallenOutBoy, otherwise known as Virgil." He rubbed the back of his head and nodded towards the beauty guru. "And I'm here with this nerd, Perfectly Princely."

"And we're doing a truth or dare video." Roman sang at the camera, clapping a bit.

"So mister Disney, truth or dare?" Virgil turned towards the other.

"Truth." Virgil hummed a little as he looked at the suggested truths.
"Oh! 'What's the cringiest phase you've gone through, Virgil show a photo pleeeeeease.' From Uwu.hey.owO."

"Ughh do I have to say?" Virge nodded a smirk on his face. "Fine, I may or may not have gone through an emo phase." Roman huffed.

"Oh and here's the photo." Virgil held up his phone to reveal a picture. It was a teenage Roman with a dyed black fringe and MCR merch on.

"Now there's gonna be art of ittttt. Why?" Roman whined until he realized it was the other's turn. "Now I get to embarrass you. Let's see, truth or dare?"

"Dare I guess."

"Let's look at your evil ideas." Ro chuckled meaning the viewers. "Here's a good one. It's from *Insert keyboard smash* 'put on some of Prince's makeup.'"

"I swear to fucking-"

"Eh, langue."


After a bit of bickering Roman stood and ran to his room grabbing mascar, blush and lipstick. He applied it to the other's face and he actually looked pretty cute.

After Many more rounds of truth or dare, Virgil had to make a rap about his mood, Roman had to write a spongebob fanfic, Virgil came out as gay, and Roman ended up with virgil's outfit on and vice versa. It was strange, a fun strange, but strange nonetheless. FInally a dare came up that stopped both of them in their tracks. 'Kiss each other' from Randomshipper.

"Oh, uh well that's up to Virgil." Roman laughed (because he's not uncomfortable at all), but the thoughts of kissing his crush swam in his head.

"I guess for the fans..."

The two began to lean towards one another and suddenly their lips collided. It was quick but sweet and as they pulled away they both felt a tingle left from the kiss.

"Uhh that's it." Virgil went to turn off the camera and lights, but was stopped but Roman.

"C-can we do that again sometime?"

"Play truth or dare?"

"Uh, no.... kiss." Roman turned away blushing furiously when he realized their fans had witnessed that. "Can you turn the livestream off?"

"Yeah." With that virgil pushed the camera's button and slammed the laptop shut before sliding to sit next ti Roman. "I really like you idiot, let's try that kiss again."

So they did the red and purple combined, their hearts starting to beat as the two pairs of lips collided.

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