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Implied smut*

Virgil Pov

I sat at my desk, pencil in hand, and began to write. I poured my thoughts and feelings into these pages. Every little thing. Each page was a piece of me, that was the only way I could accurately describe it as. I wrote everything down, it helped me cope with the ugliness of this world and the stress of college.

I set the little black journal down on my desk and walked into my small kitchen to make a sandwich. Being a poor college kid I couldn't afford much, but at least what I had was better than the dorms. Sharing a living space with somebody was my worst nightmare, I couldn't believe anyone would do it voluntarily. Of course I have to deal with living with someone as well. My brother, Thomas. He was better than a stranger though.

As I finished the sandwich, plopping on the last slice of bread, Thomas entered.

"Hey Virge..." He wanted something "Would it be ok if I had a few people over?"

I sighed as I looked at him. "Do they have to come?" I took a bite of my sandwich, still looking at him.

"Well... yeah. I already told people they could come over... I may or may not just have forgotten to ask you." He mumbled scratching the back of his head.

"Whatever I guess. Just don't let people in my room." I stood throwing away my half eaten sandwich and grabbing my phone off the counter. "I'm going to get dinner, what time will the party be over?"

"It should be by 9:30!" Thank you Virgil!" Thomas smiled, ruffling my hair before beginning to set up.

I nodded my head before heading out of the small apartment. As I walked down the creaky stairs I pulled on my headphones, I pressed play on my phone and the chorus of Helena continued from earlier in the day. It rang in my ears and I smiled a little.

I chuckled a bit as I looked at my tumblr. It was just a random shitpost, but those were my favorites.

"Virgil!" I looked up as I heard my name, assuming my food was ready - I had ordered at a Panera - but instead of seeing a hot soup coming my way, all I saw was Patton. As much as I love him, I wanted food.

"Hey Pat, what are you doing here?" I asked as he neared me. He was Thomas's best friend, I assumed he'd be at the get together.

"Oh, Logie and I are grabbing some coffee on the way to Thomas's party" He pointed over to a table in the corner where his boyfriend was sitting.

"That's cool I guess." I mumbled as I grabbed my food, Patton behind me. "Aren't you guys gonna be a little late though?" I glanced at a clock "It's already 9:15"

"Oh no, we're going to be early, Thomas said it started at 9:30." Logan had come up to us, answering before Patton could.

I turned looking at the two of them "What? He told me it should be over by 9:30. What time did he tell you guys it'd be over?"

The two glanced at each other before Patton slowly started "Virge he told us it'd be over around 4:00-5:00 am. I mean it was probably a misunderstanding between the two of you."

I sighed knowing he was right. "Well, did you guys walk?" They nodded "Do you care if we walk back together then?"

"Of course not!"

With that the three of us began our quick walk back to the apartment. We chatted a bit, and everything was fine until I learned about a certain someone coming.

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