Truth or Dare - Chapter 4 - Prinxiety and minor Logicality

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Virgil POV

I was lying in my bed, my purple comforters pulled over me as I tried to get some more sleep. The night before had been filled with nightmares and more than one anxiety attack. I got a maximum of 3 hours of sleep.

As I finally felt myself to start to drift off, my door was door was slammed open by none other than pretty boy prince.

"What do you want Roman?" I groaned as I turned and saw him.

"Well Panic! At the Everywhere, Logan, Patton, and I are playing truth or dare."

"And?" I asked, sitting up.

"And we wanted to know if you'd be joining us." He stated matter of factly.

"Do I have toooooo?" I whined plopping back on my bed "I'd rather just sit here and wallow in self pity."

"Yes, you do." Roman answered. "Patton said you did."

"How about no?"

"Fine." I assumed Princey would finally leave me alone, but no. "I guess we are doing this the hard way." He huffed as he walked over to my bed and scoped me up.

"Put me down!" I screamed, trying to kick the fanciful side.

"Never!" He replied as he walked to the common room not even flinching at my attempts to free myself. "I brought the emo."

"Oh good!" Patton laughed as he got to blankets for the couch. "Then let's start, you go first Logie bear!" Morality sung, snuggling into Logan's chest.

"Uh, Virgil truth or dare." Stuttered Logan, a blush creeping up his face.

"Truth I guess." I mumbled what was the worst he could ask

"Do you like someone?"


"Um, yes." I replied quietly.

"Who is it??" Roman asked excitedly

"That wasn't part of the question, who's next?" I spat out

"Me! Virgil pick me!"

"Ok, truth or dare pop star?"

"Dare!" Patton responded without hesitation.

"Hold a spider." I smirked

"A What now?" Patton looked taken aback.

"A spider." I answered summoning one.

"You want me to hold a creepy crawly death eater?" He shrieked grabbing onto Logan.

"Yeah, just for five seconds ok?" I gingerly pulled his hand out and set the creature down.

"1,2,3,4,5." I took the spider back allowing it to be unsummoned ( a/n how do you woooord?).

Patton looked shaken up but still continued playing the game. We all took more turns, Logan ending up with Patton's cardigan on his shoulders and Patton ending up with Logan's tie. Roman had a blue hand covered in marker, and I had to take off my jacket. Personally I think I got the best of the 4.

It ended up being Roman's turn, him ending the game off with one more.

"Virgil... truth or dare?" He giggled

"Truth." I replied tired of this game and tired of human interactions.

"Do you want to kiss me?" He leaned in inches apart from my lips.

"Dare." I replied my cheeks as red as a Solanum lycopersicum.

"I dare you to kiss me."


"That's not the game Virgil! Truth or dare?" He repeated, now even closer to my face.

"Dare." I responded secretly kinda hoping it was the same as last time.

"I dare you to kiss me."

So I did.

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