Hard relationships, interesting stories

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No one's POV:-

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No one's POV:

Obviously, Geno's relationships with the pirates were very very VERY hard during the trip. Plus, let's not forget, that he was a siren between pirates. So there was kinda excuse why he was getting irritated and nervous easily, wanting to keep distances no matter what from them.

He knew that he had to stay close to Alter so there wouldn't be troubles. But the pirates were triggering, challenging him and testing his patience very often. When the Captain had his back turned or wasn't around, they were finding the chance to take a break from their jobs to mock and tease Geno.

Dave was the one who was looking to trigger him more often. He was listening nor to Marcus nor to Alter and if he was stopping mocking Geno for a while, he was starting again soon. And if it wasn't Alter, who was always close to Geno and many times hold him back, he would've attack to any of the pirates, even kill with pleasure.

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