Identities almost revealed, cover blown

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you've hit the 15+ votes goal on the previous chapter and I didn't even realise! here, take the new chapter!

may you enjoy!

Where an evil mermaid reveals to everyone present in the monster village where the 2 skeleton friends are really coming from and panic befalls.

No one's POV:


The figure stopped and stayed with head lowered. At that moment Pyros, Tefra and Decans had their backs turned at them. But then the small skeleton, probably understanding like Geno that something was off in the air, turned and saw the figure. He stood motionless staring with wide open eyesockets. The mermaid guards could be seen staring intensively at the figure, a few already hissing lowly.

"Lord Aristo. Infernals. Wait! Don't leave." A female voice was heard coming out of the figure and raised head. A yellow and purple mask was covering her whole face. 2 abysses were in the place of the eyes. The ones she called out turned and stared at her surprised.

"And you are?" Raymond asked raising eyebrow. The figure walked closer and stopped between the goat siblings and the Aristo.

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