«A dançacio da confiducia»

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Where the last dance is done also successfully to everyone's delight, but still Geno will come to observe and face more strange stuff soon enough.

No one's POV:

After Reaper left so unexpectedly causing the monsters to wonder where did he go, Danarei tried and managed to calm everyone down. The marriage had to continue. The planks were quickly removed from the white circle. Monsters from all directions now started carrying branches and logs, throwing them in the middle.

They were going to start a fire as it seemed. After all it was required now. At last, the final dance was here. The dance of trust.

"It might look funny for the ones watching the couple getting married. But for them it will be difficult, almost dangerous. The slightest fail could cost them their previous success. Also if they bump to any other pair dancing." Alter started.

"Wait. More pairs?" Geno asked.

"Yes. The 2 brides will be dancing amongst other pairs of monsters. But it's not that simple." The taller skeleton explained the rules quickly.

Before the dance, both Fuku and Skate had to drink a very strong monster drink called from the ancient times Vinuo Gurgando. The spinning wine. Drinking one small glass of it by itself without adding water was able to make the drinker's vision to immediately start playing tricks.

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