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Where in the panic, Geno and Captain Reaper works together to get the ship and the whole crew out of the storm alive and 2 dreams later seems to give new hints for... new adventures ahead.

Geno's POV:

"FOR F*CK'S SAKE, WHEN DID THE WEATHER CHANGED LIKE SH***T?!?!?!" I hear Dave roaring and he's not happy at all like some minutes ago. Everyone else also.

The ship is going up and down like it's drunk and I swear, jumping together with it and at the same time trying to keep our balance, is nor pleasant nor easy! I hear Captain's voice shouting orders. The most cool and chilly pirates are quickly climbing like cats the masts bravely, to gather the sail cloths so they don't get ripped.

I'm actually surprised seeing guys like Markus, the hyena trio, even Michael climbing up to do these. Especially with the danger fall from the abrupt jolts, the rabid wind and the rain that whips their faces. But like I said, most pirates are hella panicked, like Dave, who doesn't shut up from the moment the storm started.

Chosen falls for a pirate. An Afterdeath fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now