Before the marriage

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Where Geno accepts an unexpected gift and soon is prepared for the monster marriage. Who knows how many things are meant to happen in one night's ceremony...

No one's POV:

The plaza in the monsters' town was never being so beautiful any day but on a celebration of any shorts. Today however there was a marriage. And always then, not only the plaza, but in the whole monster town beneath the windows of the houses the freshest and unwithered flowers were hanging in garlants.

The little stores were taking in the whatever products they were selling and letting out only benches with masks, capes and handkerchiefs. Many. All black. Seemed like there would be some short of use with these, but later. As if the Lord would want to mark the peacefulness of this day even more, birds were flying around.

Sparrows were chirping to each other as if they had a very interesting conversation like women who can rumble for hours. Pigeons were purring on the rooftops of the houses quietly and observing the fever of the last preparations for what would happen soon. As said, it was a special day. The marriage of Fuku, Grillby's daughter and Skate's.

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