The first and last siren-blessed guardians (2/2)

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"Oh yeah right! That's Alter's moment meeting my mom, ain't it?" Geno tried to recall how Alter had narrated him his meeting with CQ. "Generally he described it went chilly, right. He got the blessing and became my guardian. Simple." The small skeleton thought.


Geno snapped out of his thoughts as he had hear Alter talking in his sleep. He looked at him and soon the taller had started jolting. At first only for a very little while, but then intensively and for many more seconds, while muttering no. Again and again. Soon he was jolting nonstopping, his body flailing as if he had seizures.

"Oh sh*t!" Geno thought.

"N Œ!" Alter screamed one last time as he woke up, sharply waking up with wide open eyesockets and glowing cobalt pupils. He brought his knees closer to him, lowered his head and pressed his hands on the sides of it. He was still shaking, badly sobbing.

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