NY...Paris...Maybe Tokyo

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The following morning I woke up and headed straight to the plane. I wasn't trying to hang out with Aubrey or figure out his reasoning for last night. I mean he never told me anything about Abel showing up in the studio but I couldn't be mad at him for that happening. Luckily I hadn't over-reacted when he came through which showed some form of development but things still weren't peachy between me and him. When we made it back to NY my sister was already waiing for me back at my apartment and we had a whole day's worth of things to do before heading to London and Paris. I personally enjoyed these over-seas trips because there was always so much to do and catch up on. Plus we got to stay with family and friends that didn't see us on a normal basis.

I walked into my apartment and saw my sister wearing my clothes as usual but the thing that caught me off guard was that she had a male companion with her. I hadn't seen this dude before and I was sure that I probably wouldn't be seeing him again anytime soon. Olivia had a special way with men and I think that it was due to the fact that she was beautiful and constantly questioned the true motives of people. However I knew that just like any other girl she was just looking for someone to love her and treat her like the queen that she was.

Me, "Liv, who's the stranger?"

Olivia, "Well listen, I know that you know I'm crazy at times and you are always calling me out on doing outrageous things but I can honestly say that this is probably one of the best things that I ever did"

Me, "Liv, what the hell did you do?"

Olivia, "I got married"

Me, "What are you talking about? You can't be serious with me, how could you just run off and get married and not tell me? Who is this dude? I'm being serious"

Olivia, "He's my husband and his name is William. Will come and meet my sister"

William, "Olivia how many times am I going to tell you that my name is Hugo. I was joking when I told you that my name was Wiliam. That doesn't even fit me"

Me, "Olivia, my room right NOW"

Olivia, "Come on, you're always talking about how I fall in and out of love or nvever stay committed to oen thing, well now I have Hugo"

Hugo, "Olivia you never told me that you had a sister. what's that about?"

Olivia, "I told you last night, I mean weren't you listening?"

Hugo, "Was anyone listening?"

Olivia, "Hey, what's that supposed to mean?"

Me, "Olivia we need to speak privatetly because I just can't believe this. Did you seriously get married and not even tell me, what type of sister are you?"

Olivia, "I'm the best and only one that you have. Listen Hugo and I are in love and we just want to take things as they come"

Me, "How could you be stupid enough to just run off and get married without telling anyone? I mean out of all people you shoud have told me, your own sister. The one person that has always had your back no matter what and made sure that you didn't get screwed over. I mean no offense Hugo but how do I know that you and my sister are actually something serious?"

Hugo, "Olivia, has your sister never met me? I mean what the hell is really going on? We've been dating for almost 3 years and how is that I've never been mentioned?"

Olivia, "Come on Hugo, you know how complicated thigns were with us.I didn't think that we were ever serious enough for you to come up in conversation"

Me, "Olivia you've been dating this dude for 3 years and you never told me? what's really going on here because I know that's total bullshit"

Hugo, "Damn she's good. I mean she called the bluff immediately"

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