The Count Part 2

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After making it to Paris I had about three sketches done and no colors or fabrics. I was beyond exhausted and jet lag hadn't even kicked in yet. I went to the hotel, got a quick bite to eat and then headed to one of the studios to sketch anything. It was freezing in Paris and my somewhat light winter jacket wasn't cutting it. By the time that I made it for my meeting there was barely anything for me to present. I was just going to speak out about my image and hopefully they followed.

After meeting with the Chanel representatives I got invited to the workshop to see where the magic happened. There was this one pink chiffon mermaid style dress that captured my eye. However as I looked closer it started to confuse me. There was gold and red fabric starting to stream out and this look just seemed to overthought. I moved the seamstress out of the way and started making my own edits without realizing what I had just done. When I finished the seamstress looked it over a couple of times and then called her director, who looked at it some more and then called over the manager. She looked hesitant at first but I explained the look and she seemed okay with it.

The following morning I was already on my way back to New York and the trip didn't seem that beneficial. On the way back I was finally able to speak with the people from Cosmo and they wanted to do a small interview with me. That was fine with me and I scheduled it after all my shows to be concluded. When I landed the car took me straight to the Marc Jacob head offices to meet with Marc. He had drinks and food waiting and we talked before getting to business.

Basically Marc liked what I had sketches but wanted more and didn't think that it would be a good flow with his upcoming show. He wanted me to think about doing an online deal and while that had its own benefits I wanted to be on the runway with him. This was almost a complete reversal of what we talked about. After the meeting I felt defeated because it seemed that all my hard work was just being thrown to the side. But then I got a call from Steven Hill, one of the business advisors to A$AP Rocky and they wanted to come in for meetings. We had already did our quick collaboration line but apparently they wanted to see if I would be willing to do some more work with them. Seeing as how my label wasn't starting now and added with the fact that my two fashion houses had kind of dumped me I needed all the extra work I could get.

When I made it back to the office I had to make some calls to the few people that I was still styling and then the people from ABC called again asking if I would be interested in styling for some upcoming limited series. While it seemed interesting the set was in Los Angeles and if I wanted to have any serious work done then I couldn't be there. I did refer a couple stylist from my company if they were still interested. Then I had about 300 jewelry orders to complete because my sister had decided to promote on Instagram some of the bracelets and necklaces that I had been making and selling on Esty. It was crazy but they were now out of stock and people would want their products sooner rather than later. So as I'm listening to interviews and notes from my sketchers I was also making necklaces and trying to read through some business reports that Alex had sent me.

By the end of the week I still hadn't seen Tim face to face or even talked to him. I barely was home and only for sleep and a shower. The office was buzzing with people and after I approved 50 new staffers throughout the office, it seemed like Alex had hired immediately and now people were cramming for offices. Then on Saturday at about 7am we get a call from one of the interns saying that the building has been locked. Alex was away in Miami on personal business and I had to speak with lawyers and figure out a game plan because our landlord had kicked us out. He was trying to evict us so that the people that bought the building could start renovations on the place even though we were paying to lease space. Martin one of our accountants basically showed me how much money we had and it wasn't much. We were investing in so much and he showed us how much we had, and how we were actually in debt rather than making a profit. So I had to call an investors meeting and make some personal calls to banks around the city trying to get loans.

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