Looking Back

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Olivia, "Kai are you coming tonight? I need to know if we have to book a extra table"

Me, "Yeah, I'll come. Whose going to be there again?"

Olivia, "It's me, Nicole, Angela, Carmen, Simone, Darron, Joshua and Jackson. And then maybe two or three other models from my show"

Me, "Damn what the hell am I supposed to wear to this? I mean there are going to be models there and I need to look good too"

Olivia, "Last time I checked everyone was still dying to have your body. You can rock anything. It's just some friends hanging out"

Me, "Fine, what time are you leaving?"

Olivia, "Maybe around 8 cause we want to eat. Just don't look to slutty"

Me, "Olivia are you serious? That's not cool to say to me at all"

Olivia, "I saw your pictures from last week on Instagram and it was crazy. That dress looked like a shirt that some 7 year old would wear. While it did look good on you it also made you look desperate"

Me, "Well thanks for just destroying my outfit. That make me feel so good"

Olivia, "Just have some fun with it. I mean you know how to have fun with your outfits. Wear anything you want"

After Olivia left my room I really didn't know what to wear. I looked all through my closet nad couldn't find anything that looked like what she was envisioning me wearing. After throwing all my clothes onto my bed I found this high low dress that had side slits and was open back. It looked like it would be fine for the night and now I would have to work on my hair. My hair was naturally curly and I rocked that on a normal basis because it was easy and it didn't look to bad but I felt like I should try and straighten it. Nobody would be expecting me to do that and it would be fun. After spending almost 30 minutes doing my hair it was done and I changed my clothes. Olivia stormed into my room seconds after I had finised putting on my shoes and she looked pissed.

Me, "what's going on?"

Olivia, "Nicole just called and told me that she won't come because Angela and Carmen are coming and she doesn't like the vibes that they attract. Can you believe her, like I am just trying to have some fun and she's acting like a complete ass hole"

Me, "Listen don't worry about her. We can still have some fun tonight, just forget about Nicole"

Olivia, "You know what you are right. I spend all my time trying to make everyone be friends and I need to start focusing on myself and making sure that I am happy"

Me, "That's true. Plus I got all dressed up and I look so good so we are going out. Someone will see me in this outfit"

Olivia, "Kai you did your hair, I mean are you tryna find a man or something? Like I haven't seen you get this dressed up in a minute"

Me, "Yeah I thought that it would be cool to change it up. I'm glad that you like, are you ready to go?"

Olivia, "yeah, the taxi is downstairs"

An hour later and we were walking into this new restauraunt. The place had low lighting but it seemed really nice and the food was great. It reminded me of something that you would see in New York City. After we finished eating we headed to some club that Darren's older brother was promoting. The place was a little boring at first but then it went to electric hour and things got crazy. People were throwing these glow in the dark sticks everywhere and they had all these flashing lights. The DJ set was nice though but every couple of seconds the whole place would go black and people would just start crowding together and running all over the place. It was strange for me but I ended up running into some dude and he spilled a drink onto me.

Man, "Oh I am so sorry. Lemme get you some napkins or something"

Me, "Hey it's no problem. You don't have to do"

Man, "No it's the least I can do. I can get you a drink if you want, what would you like"

Me, "Anything. Whatever you were drinking smelled pretty good"

Man, "Okay, I come here a lot and I've never seen you before. This your first time here?"

Me, "Yeah I never even heard of this place before. I mean it's pretty tight so I may have to come back but one of my sister's friends said that his brother is pushing this place"

Man, "Oh okay. If you come back you need to come party with me and my boys. We know how to have a good time"

Me, "Well my parents told me to never talk to strangers and now I would have to hang out with a stranger. That sounds a bit risky"

Man, "Okay. I see you tryna get my name but you cute so I'ma tell you"

Me, "I don't need anything from you. Last time I checked you were the one that wnated me to hang with you and your boys"

Man, "Okay, well my name is Lamar. what's your name?"

Me, "Kaiyah but people call me Kai. It's nice to meet you Lamar"

Lamar, "The pleasure is mutual. What are you doing next weekend? I know an even better place that will really get you off of your feet"

Me, "I have to see.  A lot of people want my attention these days"

Lamar, "I  can see why, someone as beautiful as you must have a lot of admireres coming after them on a constant basis"

Before I could respond this man came up to Lamar and whispered something in his ear. I wasn't sure who this dude was but I instantly felt some type of attraction towards him. He didn't even look at me once while he talked to Lamar but I was just sucked into him. Lamar talked to the boy for a quick second and then turned back to me.

Lamar, "Listen I gotta go. It was nice meeting you Kaiyah, here's my number. Call me when your schedule clears up"

Me, "It was nice meeting you to. I'll call you when I'm free, you betta remember me"

Lamar, "Of course baby girl I got you"

Before I could say anything Lamar was off and I made sure to put his number in my phone. The rest of the night all I could think about was that dude. There was something about him and it felt like I had met him before. There had to be some reason why I was being pulled towards him but he didn't look like he was interested in talking to me. Hopefully if I hung out with Lamar I would be able to hang out with that other dude that he was with. 

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