New Years Eve Part 1

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For New Years, Samaya, Tyra, myself and Tim were heading out to LA because Andreas's brother was throwing some huge New Years Eve bash at his house. He was some big time promoter out here so it was expected that he would have some celebrities at his place. When we first headed out I was so nervous about this all because I didn't know whether we would run into Abel but Tim assured me that there would be no bad blood between us all. I mean he understood that people come with some forms of history and was down with that.

The day before New Years Eve Olivia had us all go to some hotel so that we could spend the day together. It was filled with spa treatments, nail trips, shopping, lunch and then even more shopping. The weather was amazing for late December and I could see why she was attracted to this place. I mean it was wonderful but I didn;t want her to be across the country with a baby and I was not ready to live in California. There were too many reminders of the past here and truth be told it still hurt. While we were out shopping we walked into this store and as soon as we went in I could tell that something wasn't right. Samaya was the first person to catch on to what was going on and when I looked to the side there was Aubrey. I hadn't kept up with him because he was all over the world but I knew that he would be pressing me for some info. Before I could try to leave or anything Chubbs came over and said hello. I saw Aubrey just staring me down and finally walked over to see him.

Me, "Hey Aubrey, how are you doing?"

Aubrey, "Long time no see. I mean it feels like you are somewhat avoiding me or something"

Me, "That's never the case but you know that I'm a busy person and you be all over the world"

Aubrey, "So what are you doing out here? I know that you hate LA"

Me, "Yeah well my sister's boyfriend's brother is throwing some huge bash tonight and she begged me to come. You know that I wouldn't come out here willingly like that"

Aubrey, "So you still with your boy?"

Me, "Yeah, why?"

Aubrey, "Just askin, cause you walkin around here puttin in some work and that would have me questionin myself"

Me, "Always been a sweet talker"

Aubrey, "So you guys been out to lunch yet? I have a nice spot that I go to, you guys are welcome to come along"

Me, "Oh I don't know. I don't want to take up time with you and your boys. I know how special that can be"

Aubrey, "It's no problem. I'm actually hooking up with some other artist so you can just chill with us. I know that you also been dyin to see my new place and I can show you later"

Me, "Olivia would kill me. She knows that you have some strange power on me and that I've always been nice with you"

Aubrey, "She can come too and there is nothing going on between us. We are just two friends hanging out. Does that not happen"

Me, "I mean last time we hung out here it was cool so I can give her that but you be trying to whisk people away and that's not going to be cool. We just long time friends and that's all"

Aubrey, "When has it ever been different?"

Me, "So who else is going to be there?"

AUbrey, "Of course no one as stunning as you are"

Samaya, "Oh there you are Kai. Olivia wants to go. She booked us reservations at Carma Lake and doesn't want us to be late"

Aubrey, "Samaya are you just going to ignore me?"

Samaya, "Oh hey Drake, nice to see you? How's life been treating you?"

Me, "Samaya come on. Don't be like that"

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