Heading Back To NY

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The following morning we had a flight back to NY at 9:30 and I was happy to get out of LA. Too many people that I really didn’t want to see or speak to. When we made it back Tim actually did pick me up and we went back to his place. He was nice enough to have a car pick up Samaya and Nicole and have them taken home. I didn’t want to tell him about meeting up with Abel but it felt like I would be lying to him and that wasn’t something that I felt comfortable with. 

Me, “So I have something t tell you and I don’t know how you are going to take it? I mean it’s not something that I would want to hear from you but I can’t keep this in”

Tim, “Okay, what is it?”

Me, “So I went to LA to style the singer Tinashe and she had this show. Her surprise guest was my ex-boyfriend. He came to my hotel and we talked but that was it”

Tim, “I mean okay, what happened at the hotel?”

Me, “We went to the restaurant to talk but then he started playing around with my head and I went back to my room and called my sister”

Tim, “Did things end badly between you two?”

Me, “Listen just promise me one thing”

Tim, “What is it?”

Me, “The moment you feel unhappy just tell me and we can go our separate ways. There is nothing worse than being in a relationship and not knowing that the other person is suffering through it”

Tim, “Okay, but one question?”

Me, “Yeah”

Tim, “Is your ex Drake? Cause I saw that pic of you two in the club”

Me, “Oh hell no, we are longtime friends. I mean Toronto isn’t some small place but I know his circle of friends and he’s cool”

Tim, “So do you want to tell me what your ex was? I mean, like who is he?”

Me, “His name is Abel but most people know him by his stage name The Weeknd”

Tim, “So you like the music people, that’s cool”

Me, “Well we started dating when I was a teenager and its’ been a very complicated thing but we aren’t friendly like that anymore. I mean what type of girls were you dating before me?”

Tim, “They were some models and wanna be singers here and there but no one as beautiful as you”

Me, “So do you speak to them?”

Tim, “You want  the honest answer or the one that makes you feel better?”

Me, “I want the honest one, with me honesty is always key and even though it may seem like it’s going to be horrible just be honest with me and we can get through anything”

Tim, “Agreed and for the most part I don’t speak to them but there are a few that I have invested some time and money into and for my future I have to make sure that they are taken care of”

Me, “So you got condos and bills paid for these girls?”

Tim, “No, I’m not blowing money like that. I’m talking like maybe coming through every once in a while and promoting with them or doing some parties with them. You know some simple things or paying rent if it’s due and they are late”

Me, “Okay, how many girls are we talking about?”

Tim, “Like 3, that’s it. but I’m actually working on making one independent” 

Me, “Okay, I’m taking you on your word”

Tim, “Yeah, I know. If you my girl I gotta make sure that I got money in the bank for all that designer shit that you gonna want”

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