One foot forward (Five)

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Bianca Pov

It was a couple of weeks after the phone call, (as time has a want to do), it was now the end of June, I hadn't had anymore calls like that from my mother, which I was thankful for, (for obvious reasons here), and I felt like I had actually started to settle in, (which was a good thing as I wasn't going back to my Mother's house here).

I was struggling to sleep more than I had been before, (which was not fun at all but there wasn't much else that I could actually do here), you'd think that staring at the ceiling would be so boring that it would put you to sleep almost instantly, (ha that's funny, but no, apparently that's too simple, which bloody sucks a bunch).

I was up early, (which was weird because I wasn't usually an early riser), so early that the sun had only just begun to rise, and when I got to the living room and I was not the only one that was up already, ya know, (though I lived in a house with a couple of insomniacs).

"Hey Kiddo"
"Hey Teddy"
"Are you feeling ok?"
"Yeah, I'm ok, why does it look like I'm not ok?"
"No no, it's nothing like that, just wanted to make sure that you were ok Sweetheart"

It was nice and peaceful, (as there wasn't many people up at that point), I might have dosed for a bit, (what?, I didn't sleep that much the night before so of course I dosed a bit, ya know), as I was cosy on the couch, ya know.

The next thing that I remembered is that everyone else was up, (I dunno why my brain didn't retain the information of who got up next), and we were all having tea, (as tea is weirdly comforting), which felt just right, ya know, (or maybe you don't know, I shouldn't assume what people know here).

I wasn't quite used to the chaos that the mornings were with all these people yet, (considering that I was my mothers only child and when I went to my Dad's house it was never with my siblings), but it was nice that it wasn't so quiet that you could hear a pin drop, (places that are that quiet freak me out a bit here), (though I think most people like a little bit of noise around them here).

I was so in my own world that I didn't notice that Rowan had sat next to me, though I guess that I was still processing shit at the time, (also I was fucking tired, sue me Karen).

"You doing ok Bee?"
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"
"You seem a bit spaced out is all"
"Oh, no I'm ok"

Ro probably didn't buy that I was ok, but she also knew that pushing the issue wouldn't solve the problem, (she probably knew that from experience though, if we're actually being honest here), and so I continued to get ready for school, as we needed to go, as Ro didn't want to lose her streak of not getting after school detention, I get it though, I would avoid going to after school detention too, (as much as we teased her for it, but she knew it was out of jest here).

So we were waiting for Clo and Bex outside the school gates, as ya do Babes, (or maybe you don't know, I probably shouldn't assume what you know here), and Soph had already gone inside, (she was doing something in the library), so we were just stood there waiting, (because there wasn't much else to do here).

"You doing ok Bee?"
"Yeah, I'm ok, why wouldn't I be?"
"You don't seem it is all"
"I've not been sleeping great"
"I have noticed that, do you know why that is?"
"No, I can't figure it out at all, I do enjoy our weird late night chats though"
"I enjoy them too, maybe we should start doing what Dad does and have a coffee when we give up on sleep"
"I don't really like coffee"
"I like it, but I shouldn't have it as I started bouncing-"
"You get more bouncy?"
"Yes Bee, I get way more bouncy"
"Holy shit"

Clo and Bex stated sprinting at us, as they were almost late, so us being at the gate was their sign that they weren't quite late yet.

"We made it!"
"I don't know why you care so much Clo, you hate school"
"Yeah but I don't want to do after school detention though Bex"
"(Snorts), you two make me laugh"
"Gee thanks Ro"
"Loves ya too Clo"
"(Blows a raspberry)"
"I really didn't want your spit on me here Clo"
"Yeah but we're family"

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