A horrid phone call (Three)

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Bianca Pov

It was a couple weeks since I had moved in with the Addams, (no not that Adams, but I do absolutely adore Morticia and Gomez as a couple), and honestly I loved it there as it already felt like home, (which I had never felt before living with Mum, but I'm not gonna get into that like ever for my own sanity), and honestly I didn't know that people could feel this until I moved, (I know this sound cliche but I really don't care about it).

It was after dinner, (so like 7pm ish), so we were all chilling in the living room with a cup of tea, (as ya do I guess), when my phone rang, so I answered it as I had no reason to not answer, ya know, I probably should've looked at the caller id on my phone but hindsight is a great thing to have but it changes nothing, (plus it felt weird at the time to ignore it, ya know).

"You fucking d**e!"

I dropped my phone in shock, (what?, who the fuck expects to be called a slur when answering their own phone?), everyone turned around to see what the thud was, (I dropped my phone so it was pretty fucking loud), this was also the point where I wanted the floor to swallow me whole, (which wasn't actually that dramatic considering the phone call here but who knows, ehh?).

So when they all saw that I had started crying, (you would cry too if your Mum called you just to call you a fucking slur mate), well Teddy ran over to me, as I guess that he was the best option for what was about to happen, (though I did already somewhat knew that he was the with the most experience with shitty parents).

"Hey Sweetheart, what's the matter?"
"My Mum"
"Shit, ok, we'll hang up and if she rings again, we'll let it go to voicemail, ok?"
"Ok then"
"I'm sorry-"
"Why are you sorry Darling?"
"That you have to deal with all this"
"That's not your fault Sweetheart, you have done nothing wrong"
"But it's not fair to you"
"It's not fair to you either, actually it's not fair to you the most, I hope you know that Sweetheart"

I just sat there and sobbed my heart out, as there wasn't much else that I could could actually do, (unless you count screaming into the abyss as an option, then I guess I had that option), because I was so fucking devastated that my Mum didn't want me anymore, even though it should've clicked with me when she kicked me out, (though looking back at it as an adult, I don't think that she ever really wanted me, even before she kicked me out, but that's not the point here).

Teddy hugged me and it made me feel like everything could be ok, which was really weird considering that I was in a crisis and I hadn't known Teddy for all that long but he was a comforting person, (like it was just this aura that he gave off here), Rowan had mentioned that to me before though, I thought that it was her just saying that because he's her Dad, (I know now that Teddy's just great at hugs lol).

It was a while later, I had cried all of the moisture out of my body and I didn't know how I wasn't a pile of sand at this point, (and I honestly wasn't kidding about it), and I was drinking a cup of tea, (which probably didn't hydrate me at all but it made me feel better about everything that was going on), when Ro sat next to me, (as she normally would do here).

"I don't know if this will help you at all but sometimes I imagine murdering Megan, and really violently too"
"Are you saying that I should imagine brutally killing my mother?"
"I'm just saying that it helped me out a bit Bee"
"Fair enough Mate, I'll try it sometime, just I'd rather not ruin my cup of tea right now"
"Yeah, that's a good idea Mate, you should be able to enjoy your tea without murdery thoughts"
"You're welcome Bee"

So with that, we just sat and had our cups of tea together and just sat in silence, which was slightly weird to me as I wasn't really good with silence, (well I'm still not good with silence but I have gotten a bit better with it though), but I also was just feeling everything that talking lots was just not that viable for me at the time Babes, (I know that it might not make sense to you but it makes perfect sense to me).

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