Soph gives birth (Twenty)

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Bianca Pov

It was like 5 O'clock in the morning, maybe even earlier than that, (as I'm not great at telling the time when I don't sleep), (well actually if I'm being honest with you, I struggle with time in general here), I was awake for some reason, (I don't exactly remember why, but I was wide awake here), Rowan was already awake, (insomnia would do that to you), it was quite peaceful, well that was until we heard a scream, though it wasn't a quick scream, it was a long scream if you get what I mean here, (maybe ya don't get it, but that's ok if it's true).

"What is it?"
"I don't know Ro"
"Well neither do I"
"What Bee?"
"Is that Soph?"
"Shit, I don't know Bee, let's us go and check on her in case it is her that we hear"
"Ok, smart move"

So we both went back into the bedroom, to see that Soph was in fact giving birth, (so I was actually right, not that I'd ever say that out loud here, but I was), so naturally we didn't know what to do to help Soph here, (as we weren't mothers ourselves, ya know my dudes), (or maybe you don't know, I'm not assuming that you do), though Rowan then had an idea, (nothing too dim witted though, I promise).

"Soph, do you want me to get Dad and Papa?"
"Yeah, please hurry"
"I'm on it Soph!"

Ro ran into Dad and Papa's room like there was no tomorrow, (though with the fact that Soph was giving birth right then and there, I don't blame her for that though), so I was there, (not that I'd choose me to help if I were in Soph's shoes here, but she didn't really have another option at the time), I felt like I didn't really help her here but I can't change it at all.

It was like a fucking whirlwind after that, so much so that I don't remember exactly what happened next, but I just remember it being a fucking rush to get Soph to the hospital, (though birthing a whole arse human is not fun), and honestly it felt like we were sims and someone had us on 3x speed here, (yes, that's a specific reference, but fucking sue me here Babes).

Rowan, Mykie and I stayed home, as it would've been crowded as fuck with all of us at the hospital, ya know Babes, (or maybe you don't know, I'm not gonna assume what you know here), we didn't really know what we were supposed to do here, as this was not something that was planned for, (that might sound bad on my part though).

"Yeah Mykie?"
"What are we supposed to do now?"
"I don't know Mate, I just know that doing nothing is not gonna help us here"
"Should I make us a cuppa?"
"Maybe not you as the last time you made tea, it was fucking hot milk Mykie"
"That's not my fault, I thought that I left it long enough"
"How about I make it, so that it's not hot milk and that there's no arguments"
"Yeah that a good idea, thanks Bee"
"No problem"

So I made us all a cuppa, as ya do I guess, and while it didn't actually help us do something, (as we really couldn't do anything), it did help us feel like we actually did something, (even if it was just drink a cup of tea here), (yes, it was very stereotypical of us here, but it helped us a little bit).

It felt like fucking days, (even though it was mere hours here Babes), and we had like 5 cups of tea within that time frame, though that was a better option than biting our nails off and worrying ourselves sick, which would actually be counterproductive here, (I know I used a posh word, but it made my point here Babes).

"Why are we just sitting here?"
"Because we can't do anything else Mykie"
"Yeah but drinking tea all day isn't going to help anything though Ro"
"Yeah well suggest something then Matey"
"But I don't have any suggestions, Bee, do you have any suggestions?"
"No Mykie, not really, not unless you count continuing what we're doing counts as one?"
"Yeah no, that doesn't count"
"I didn't think so Mykie"

Was this the most productive way to deal with the situation at hand here?, probably not, but we didn't know what else to do, (as there wasn't really anything else that we could do here but what we actually did end up doing), so this was what we did until Soph was out of labour, (yeah my wording's a bit off but I'm no English major).

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