First day at college (Thirty-three)

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Bianca Pov

So, I was getting ready for my first day of college, as you do, and I felt quite nervous about it, (though I was just a worried child here anyway), probably because it was the first time in 5 years that I had no friends to walk me in with me, ya know, (not that I admitted that to anyone else, as I didn't want people to think that I was weak here).

Anyway, I grabbed something to eat so that Dad and Papa wouldn't worry, (Ro had said that Dad mother henned a lot, but she did not mention that Papa did the exact same thing but worse), but I was feeling so anxious that it felt like said anxiety was clawing at my stomach and making me feel ill, (though I was not surprised about it then, and now it just made sense, even though it's not fun to go through Babes).

"Are you ok Sweetie?"
"I'm a bit nervous Papa"
"Is that because it's something new?"
"You'll be great"
"But how do you know that?"
"It's fashion that you're doing?, right?"
"Well I know that you're going to be great at it is because you're a very fashionable person"
"Thanks Papa"
"It's no problem Sweetheart, I'm glad that I could help you a bit"

Papa's 'pep talk' didn't make the anxiety go away, (but then again, pep talks don't work like that), but it did help me feel less anxious, so I took that as a small victory, so sue me, (though in actual seriousness please don't sue me, I am a broke, broke, broke uni student), my stomach was still being clawed at, but I guess that's the price you pay for being an anxious bean.

Anyway, I got on the train, as you do, trying not to think about it too much so that I would actually feel less anxious, (not that it worked for me here, but one could hope for the best here), college wasn't too far from home for me, so I had that going for me here, but I still felt like I wanted to just disappear, but I didn't so that should count for something, (even if it was just for participation here).

"Hello, you must be doing fashion"
"I would ask how you knew, but I put it on my folder here"
"(Polite laugh), I can show you if you want?"
"That would be nice, thank you"
"It's no problem at all, I'm Tracy"
"That's a nice name"

So we continued to walk to where I was going, it was easy enough to find once I knew where I was actually going, Tracy was nice enough but we didn't have any lessons together, so we never really spent that much time together, ya know Babes, (sometimes shit is like that though).

"Here you are"
"No problem"

So Tracy went to wherever she was going to, and I went inside the classroom that I was supposed to be at, and I sat near the back, as that was what I did when I was in school here, ya know, (plus I didn't want to be too near the teacher, ya know, as they might call out to ya more and I'd rather die then do that here Babes).

So I sat where I would sit for the entirety of my time in college, (Jesus Christ that was a sign that I am autistic if I ever saw one here Babes), and honestly it was a good seat, (though I might be a little bit biased here Babes).

Then it was just introductions and other shit like that, (I honestly blocked a lot of it out as it was fucking boring to me), I was not about the introductions, not because I hated people, but usually introductions don't actually give you an insight into the person, (or maybe it's because I'm Autistic, who fucking knows though).

I got home, as ya do, and I got into comfy clothes because I was overstimulated, (not that I knew that at the time, but I do know that now), well I say got into like I casually just did that, when in reality I yeeted everything off me and then jumped into my comfy clothes faster than I would normally ever, so much so that Dad was a bit concerned about me.

"You ok Sweetheart?"
"Yeah Dad, I'm ok"
"You sure?"
"Yeah I'm sure, was a long day of introductions is all"
"Makes sense"

If you were wondering why nobody else picked up on my Autism here, but that was because literally everyone bar Papa was actually Autistic, (Papa just thought it the way every family worked), so yeah, I guess that's how the cookie crumbled Babes.

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