Hair bonding (Thirty-two)

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Bianca Pov

So I was washing my hair, as you do when you can't sleep, (don't ask for logic here, because I didn't do this for logic Babes), and I then came out of the bathroom, (I was dressed obviously), Dad was on the couch drinking some tea, (though when is he not drinking tea?), (don't actually answer that as I was kidding), I was surprised that he was drinking tea and not coffee this early in the morning, (yeah it threw me off a bit here).

"Hey Sweetheart"
"Hey Dad"
"What cha doing?"
"My hair, but I'm struggling with it"
"I can do it for you Darling"
"You sure?"
"Yeah I'm sure, I've done Mykie's hair before"
"Oh, thank you"

So Dad started doing my hair, I was surprised that he could do a black persons hair, (that sounds bad, but not every white person with a mixed race child knows how to do their hair), it felt nice though, as I was struggling to even style my hair, (it's not like I can get a mirror behind me and see all of my hair here, as I had a big arse Afro at the time, well I still do, as I like my Afro).

"Where did you learn to do Mykie's hair?"
"I learned from Mykie's Grandmother before she passed away, she was actually quite nice about it too"
"It's nice that you wanted to learn"
"Well I guess so, but at the time that wasn't my thinking on it"
"What was your thinking on it?"
"Well, to me it was me learning so I could do something for Mykie that I did for Rowan"
"A lot of people don't see it that way"
"I know"

The was a peaceful quiet that stuck around for a while after that, (that was a weird way to put it Bianca), but I guess that was so Dad could concentrate on doing my hair rather than 1,000,001 things that just pop up in our day to day life, (it was nice just to not have to do anything but chill while your hair is being done), it was also nice that Dad was doing something for me that he had done for his other children, (well maybe not Jessica yet), (like it made me feel special for some reason, no I do not have the words to express exactly why that was, but it is what it is here Babes).

It did take a while, (it was hair, of course it took a while), but it just felt nice that it was done by Dad, (I know this sounds fucking weird here, but I can't find any other way to describe it to you), there was a bit of chatter, but it was mostly quiet as Dad was concentrating on my hair, I was surprised that I managed to actually keep quiet, (I struggle with silence normally, though I was tired here Babes), but maybe it was due to it being really calm, (that or it was early in the morning still, but who knows?), but Dad was eventually finished with my hair, (I have a lot of hair).

"Thank you"
"You don't have to thank me Sweetheart"
"I know that I don't have to thank you, but I wanted to"
"As long as you know that then Darling"
"I do know that Dad"

So naturally we had tea, (though when didn't we have tea is more the question, ain't it Babes), and I continued to try and feel more awake, (not that it always works, but a girl can hope here Babes, a girl can hope), though I think that Dad copped that because he looked over at me a couple of times to make sure that I wasn't falling asleep, as he would've sent me back to bed if I was, though he checked on me anyway, (because I'm one of his babies).

"Ya feeling tired Sweetheart?"
"Why don't you go back to bed then?"
"Because I won't sleep and I like your company too Dad"
"Ok Baby, (kisses temple), I can't really argue with you for that"
"(Snorts), love ya too Darling"

So I don't remember falling asleep, (though who does?), but I remember actually waking up on the couch, which was slightly weird I'm not gonna lie to you here Babes, but at the same time it felt kinda nice, (no, I don't know how that works here Babes, I'm not an expert on emotions, which comes with being autistic, no, I will not be explaining that theory further).

"How was your nap?"
"I slept?"
"Yeah Baby, you did"
"I probably needed it"
"You did look tired when you got up this morning"
"That makes sense, but I don't feel any more awake"
"You probably won't for the rest of the day"

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