Worries of the last hurrah (Twenty-eight)

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Bianca Pov

So, Rowan, Chloe, Becca and I were walking home from school, our last day at school before we got our results felt a bit bittersweet, as it was the beginning of us deciding on what to do with our lives, (yes, I sound a bit doomsday ish here, but at the time it felt like the end of the world as I knew it).

"Do you think that we'll keep in touch?"
"I've spent too much bloody time with you all over the years for us to not to keep in touch here Becca"
"You have a point here Ro"
"I know that I do, that goes for you too Chloe Rose Howard!"
"Jesus Christ don't full name me Rowan"
"I will full name you if I think that I need to Clo"

So we all walked home, said our goodbyes and went inside, (we all lived quite close to each other), then there was the hustle and bustle of dinner, the clean up and going to bed, (ya know, the usual daily shit), and I did actually sleep for a couple of hours that night, (and no, I do not know how that was possible), not that it changed much about what happened next but it was something I guess.

As I was awake by like 1 o'clock in the morning, well I sat on the windowsill, as you do here, (or maybe you don't personally, I can guess that we have differences between us all), thinking about things and other shit, when Ro found me, so she sat across from me, (it was a big ol windowsill so it wasn't impossible for both of us to sit on it).

"What's going on in that brain of yours then Bee?"
"What makes you think that there's anything?"
"(Snorts), It's you Bee, plus you were worried earlier, so spill"
"How did even you know?"
"I could see by you, you had a look that wasn't stress here"
"Alright so, I'm just worried that us doing different things will mean that we won't stay friends"
"That shouldn't change anything at all, and if Clo starts to contact less, I will kick her arse, (snorts), I'm joking, but jokes aside we've been through too much shit to not stay friends, ya know"
"I guess that you're right"

That talk with Ro did actually help me a bit, (I don't know why it helped me, I just know that it did help me here, ya know), we both stayed sitting on the windowsill for a while, as I guess that it was calm and therapeutic here, ya know.

"You seem so wise Ro, how do you even do it?"
"I don't know, I guess that I just am wise Bee"
"(Snorts), You don't need to be so big headed about it"
"I'm just telling it how it is, no use in lying about it"
"I guess that's true"
"See, that's my point exactly Bee, anyway, do you want a cuppa"
"That would be nice thanks"

So Ro made us both a cuppa and brought it over to the windowsill, as you do I guess, and as silly as it may seem, that cup of tea actually did help me a little bit, (not matter how unhealthy that sounds), it even helped the looming feeling of the night go away little by little, (how poetic of me).

"I was going to ask how you even knew, but I've spent enough time with Dad to realise where you learnt that from"
"I don't know whether to take that as a compliment or an insult here Bee?"
"It's definitely not an insult here Babes"
"I'm so glad that you cleared that up with me"
"(Snorts), Jesus how did we get here?"
"I'm pretty sure it was because you saw me beat up an 6ft year 11 prick on the first day"
"I still don't know how you did that"
"I kicked him in the balls and then used the trick that Aunt Rebecca showed me because he went for Soph"

I was surprised to learn that Aunt Rebecca had a violent streak in her, but I shouldn't have been after hearing all the stories about her, so sorry if the reaction does not match the picture that I am painting of Aunt Rebecca here, she's a complicated woman.

"She taught you how to break noses?!"
"Yes, but she wasn't supposed to, but she also knew that Soph and I were worried about starting secondary school"
"Not that I have a plan on it, but I really do not wanna fuck with her"
"Yeah, that would be wise, but she's also an Addams, but don't say that to her, as she didn't have the best relationship with Nana"

That was a bombshell that I was not ready for, I wanted to ask a million more questions about it, but I knew that Rowan probably did not have the answers for me, as she probably didn't get hold shit.

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