Kicked out (Prolouge)

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Bianca Pov

So I was reading, like you do, when I heard my Mum screaming my name, so I ran down the stairs like the wind, praying that it was just a misunderstanding on her behalf, (ha!, it was not, she knew the truth and it was not fucking pretty let me tell you).

"Yes Mum"
"Why the fuck did I find flirty texts from a girl on your fucking phone Bianca?!"
"Were they from Emily?"
"I don't give a fuck about her fucking name Bianca!, I just want to know why she's sending you flirty texts?!"
"Because she's my girlfrien-"
"Bianca Jessica Bennet!, you fucking d***, you have 15 minutes to get you and your shit out of my house!, understand?!"
"I understand"

So I packed my books, my course work, some clothes and my phone and legged to Bushy park like my life depended on it, (as it felt like it did), I felt like I was going to puke the whole time, (it was dark and I was by myself, I also worry about the silly little things, so when bigger things actually happen I was usually fucked).

When I got to Bushy park, it was 2 O'clock in the morning, I rang my friend Rowan, because I knew that she would know what to do, (she was the Mum friend in our friend group here), plus she was the closest one from where my Mum lived here, (that sounds silly but it makes perfect sense to me, ya know).

"Yeah it's me Bee"
"Thank God"
"What the hell happened?"

Well I burst into tears on the phone, and I was probably harder to understand here, but honestly I needed that cry and I also knew that Ro could actually handle me having said cry to her here, ya know Babes, (or maybe you don't know because ya know I am not an expert on people here, as I'm not a brain scientist).

"My Mum kicked me out, (sobs), because, (sobs), because she found, (sobs), out that I, I, I'm gay"
"Where are you now?"
"I'm at Bushy park-"
"By yourself?"

It was like something was set off in Ro as I could almost hear her get into action, which was fucking weird to me because I could not physically see it, (I know I was on the phone to an aisle, but it was still really weird to me, ya know Babes), though that was what was needed at the time for me here, (and she probably also knew that).

"Don't move, I'm coming to get you-"
"What about your Dads?"
"I'll explain it to them in the morning, they'll understand ok, I'll see you soon, alright?"

I hung up the phone, and waited, because that was all I could do while Ro was on the way to me, (I bet it was a power march though, but I don't know), it was not fun waiting around at that time of night though, let me tell you Babes, it wasn't fun at any time of the day, but it was always less fun at night, (if that makes any sense to you).

About 20, maybe 30 minutes later, Ro was here to collect me, with her Dad right behind her, (which might of freaked me out because I didn't think that would happen), (but looking back on it, her dad was a worrywart).

"Hey Bee"
"Hey, you didn't wake your Dad just to get me?, did you?"
"No, he was already awake and said I wasn't allowed out on my own"
"Hey Mr Addams"
"Mr Addams makes me feel old Kiddo, call me Teddy"

So we then got back onto the train to Rowan's flat , (well I guess it was technically her dads flat, but like you know what I mean), and then we walked back from the train station, (it wasn't that far to be fair), and by this point it was like 3 O'clock in the morning, Ro showed me where her bed was, since she apparently had given up on sleeping that night, (though now looking back on it, I get it).

"Here's where you're going to sleep"
"I haven't kicked you out of bed, have I?"
"Of course not Bee"
"You sure?"
"Absolutely, if I really needed to sleep then I'll just get in the bed with you, ok"

I was asleep before my head hit the pillow, (though that was normal for me at the time), it was quite peaceful if I'm being honest with you here, I didn't even wake up again in the night, (as I did sometimes do that), which was quite nice, but it was also quite weird as the most traumatic event of my life had just happened to me.

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