Meeting Aunt Rebecca (Eleven)

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Bianca Pov

So we arrived in Manchester, (it was definitely not a fun ride there as we were squished in a small arse borrowed car as we didn't own a car), (though parking in London is absolutely ridiculous both money wise and space wise, so I don't really blame them for that lol), (also to this day, I don't drive as it's pointless and I cannot afford to drive in London), (rant over, I promise Babes).

They had hired a house in Manchester to stay in, (as that was probably easier with the amount of us there were), but we went to a terraced house before we went to where we were staying, (that sounds very specific I know, but it's just what it was Babes), I was slightly confused but nobody else seemed to be confused so they obviously knew where we were going, (the disadvantage of being the kicked out Lesbian here, ya know).

Anyway we went to the front door, (I mean obviously though, as you couldn't access the house though the parking at the back door), a short blonde woman answered the door, (I wouldn't fuck with her though, as she makes all the rest of the Addams look calm when angry), it turns out that she was Aunt Rebecca, (she is where Ro got her 'scary but short' thing from here, is all I'm saying on that).

"Hi- I'm not going to ask you about the extra person, come in"

You would have thought that I would have been slightly insulted by that, (though she's really just a little blunt sometimes), but it was actually quite the opposite for me, as she was exactly like Rowan had described her to be, (which sounds weird I know, but I'm not gonna lie to ya here), and it was nice that she was just accepting of the extra person into her house, (like yeah, she pointed it out, but it wasn't in a bad, the world's shit way, ya know, it was in a observatory way).

Anyway we all had a cup of tea, (what a shock), as that's a bloody family tradition at this point in time if I'm being honest with you here, (I might also have a caffeine addiction, but who's to say?), and it was honestly quite nice, (yeah nearly 15 year old me was absolutely shocked by this but looking back on it, well I shouldn't have been so shocked though, ya know).

We then went to where we were staying, (yeah, I've come to the conclusion that I just really can't describe things at all), as we needed to unpack a little, (as you do when you go on holiday here I guess mate lol), we were all also a bit tired too, (I really am just pointing out the obvious here Babes), so it made sense for us to get to where we were staying for that reason, not that we'd all actually sleep, but we still had to attempt to get some sleep, (well I say 'attempt' quite loosely because there's only so much you can actually do).

While I didn't sleep, I did feel a bit more relaxed here you could say, (I mean I did just say it, but you know what I mean), Soph was snoring, (which wasn't unusual but it was louder than normal), though that's not why I didn't sleep, I hadn't been sleeping properly for a little while at this point, (I don't fucking know why though Babes).

Anyway, I was wide awake laying in bed, there was some snoring coming from Soph, (though at least you could hear if she stopped breathing), I thought that Ro was actually asleep, but as it turned out, she was awake Babes.

"Can't sleep Bee?"
"How did you guess that?"
"Your eyes are open"
"That would give it away"
"Yeah no shit Bee"
"(Snorts), Piss off Ro"
"Nah thanks Bee, I would rather not Mate"
"Jesus are you always this sassy?"
"Just with people I trust Bee"
"Oh so this is a privilege then?"
"Of course it is Bee"

If it wasn't Ro saying this, I probably wouldn't be all that impressed, but it was Ro, and she is my best friend in the whole wide world, (I know that this could sound weird but it's true though), so it was just her being her, ya know, (or maybe you don't know, I'm not assuming your knowledge on shit, ok).

"Wow, I feel so special"
"You are special, like genuinely so you don't need to be so sarcastic Babes"
"But I'm so good at it Ro"
"(Snorts), I know, and so are the rest of the Addams here, which is why you fit so well with us"
"Wait really?"
"Well I'm not saying for the sake of saying it"

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