The Wedding (Sixteen)

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Bianca Pov

So Dad and Papa were getting married, (yeah it's actually legal for gay people to get married now), it seemed like everything was going to plan, (yeah it takes a fuck ton to plan a bloody wedding here), (so I'll probably avoid getting married if I can).

The wedding was so beautiful, crowded as fuck since there was a lot of people there, (Dad and Papa were popular people here, so their wedding was always going to be busy lol), but it was definitely a beautiful wedding, (which was weird considering that I usually hate weddings, usually it's just a lot of faff for a day).

Anyway it was the after party, most of the adults were drinking, (I say most because there were a couple of adults that didn't drink), but everyone there seemed to be having a gay old time, get it, (stupid drum noises), Jesus I need new comedy material here, (though maybe I don't need actually new material though as I'm not a comedian here lol).

Anyway two old looking people then gate crashed everyone having a gay old time, (I say old looking because apparently they weren't as old as they fucking looked mate, which is mind blowing, but it's not something I can change lol), I swear that they just looked like they were sour old Bastards, (I mean they had the views of sour old Bastards but they weren't old by any stretch of the imagination here).

"Who let the f####ts marry"

All of us kids were ready to throw hands with him, Rowan looked like she was close to having a panic attack right there and then, (though she still wanted to throw hands), which was when I realised that the bloke was her estranged Grandad and her fucking Nan, (there's a whole fucking novel's worth of shit that they did but we don't have that much time), which kind of made me feel more angry about it, ya know, (and maybe it brought out feelings from when I was kicked out, though that wasn't something I was ready to admit).

Though we didn't need to throw hands as Levi fucking SWANG AT HIM!, (if I were in the dickhead's shoes, I'd have shat myself already), I was slightly shocked by that this at the time, not because of his stature, because Levi was tall as shit and broad, (though he did wear coke bottle glasses, his words, not mine Babes), but I was shocked because he's usually a big old softie, (though apparently it was not the first time that Levi wanted to throw hands at the dickhead), and yes, he was successful.

Levi was really apologetic afterwards, as he felt that he ruined the wedding, (though I guess that swinging at people isn't the most productive thing to do but it's some times very therapeutic), which he didn't, but I get why he felt that way, but it was entirely Dad's homophobic Dad's fault here, (not that he would ever apologise for that, nor would he ever admit it, but he's an arsehole and always will be babes).

Everything did actually almost get back into the swing of things, despite the whole 'fist fight with a homophobe fiasco', so that situation at least didn't completely destroy the wedding party here, as life is a party if you just let it be, (I know it's not anywhere near as easy as I'm putting it, but the sentiment is still there), and so we still danced around and shit, (yeah don't hire me to write shit for ya Babes).

We were all home and deescalated from the wedding, everyone was in bed, well other then me, I was sitting on the windowsill with a blanket as it was cold, I probably should've stayed in bed where it was at least warm but I didn't for some reason Babes, (I dunno why that even was), I thought that I was the only one up, but with a household with multiple insomniacs, there was bound to be somebody else up.

"What's up Poppet?"
"I couldn't sleep Papa"
"I see, is anything bothering you?"
"No, I don't think so"
"Ok, you look a bit cold there though Sweetheart"
"I am a bit cold, but it's better than laying in a bed that I'm not sleeping in"
"So that's why nobody stays in bed, huh, alright, do you want a cuppa before I go back to bed?"
"Yes please"

So Papa made us both a cuppa, and we had it sat together, but then he went back to bed and I was awake on my own again, not that I minded all that much, as I liked the chill of being on my own, (pun wasn't intended though), so I was quite happy with my blanket on the windowsill.

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