Off to Manchester we go (Ten)

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Bianca Pov

It was later that day, everyone was calmer than we were when Megan came, (not that it would be hard for that to happen as Megan attracts chaos), we were all dressed for the day at 4 O'clock in the afternoon, (though that's not the latest time that I've gotten dressed at), lol I know that it was late in the day but we didn't really have to go anywhere, (plus we didn't really have a routine as it was the summer holidays Mate), yeah it was weird that we even got dressed at that time of day, but honestly

As soon as Jack came home from work there was a family meeting thing, (it sounds serious and it wasn't, but I don't know what else to call it to be honest with you here), as I guess they had something to tell us lol, (well they did, God I'm really shit at describing things), we were sitting on the couch, (it was a massive grey L shaped couch so we all did actually fit on the one couch, don't ask me where they got it because it was there when I first moved in).

"So, we sat you all here right now because we have something to tell you, we usually just stay here for the summer but the floors leaking so we're going to Manchester for a week"

It made sense to go to Manchester, but I was worried about it still, (though I worried about a lot of things and I didn't really have a reason to), though Rowan seemed to not be worried about it so I tried not to be as worried as I was, (tried being the important word here, ya know), though I did appreciate the full honesty as to why we were going though, (I know that's not everyone's cup of tea, but I liked it).

Anyway we all then had a cup of tea, (yes, there's a lot of tea drank in the house, sue me), as I guess that we needed it, (though don't quote me as I'm not 100% sure about it as I'm not a great people reader though, ya know), and honestly tea just seemed to fix a lot of problems that we've had, (even if it a placebo effect and not necessarily real, it still fucking worked).

Anyway, we drank our tea, we sat together like a family and we just vibed there for a while, ya know, (or maybe you don't, I'm not assuming what you do and don't know here), which was actually quite nice, (I feel like I'm repeating myself here), and we were all actually spending time together here, (well duh Bianca, that's generally what happens with people that live together).

It was a little while later, it was just Teddy and I, I don't exactly remember why that was, (though, I guess that would be a weird thing to remember), but it obviously wasn't too important because I would've remembered it if it was important, anyway, Teddy and I were just sat on the couch, a cup of tea in hand, since that was apparently the only way to have a conversation with people here, (not that I was complaining here).

"You doing ok there Sweetheart?"
"Yeah, what is your Aunt Rebecca like?"
"She's lovely, but I wouldn't cross her though"
"Why's that?"
"She once beat up a copper for wrongfully arresting Ollie"

This was the first time that I heard of anyone in the family actually beating a copper up, (though it was not the last time), I was surprised at the time because it was Aunt Rebecca and she seemed so calm, (though looking back on it I really shouldn't have been).

"Was she arrested?"
"Nah, she had proof that it was due to racial discrimination and that his boss was dirty"
"How did she have proof of the last one?"
"The boss used to work with Nana"
"Oh, that would do it"

If anyone is confused by that, Rita Addams and her husband Jack Addams started a gang in London in the mid 60's and did some dodgey shit until she died, (well I'm using 'died' very loosely), so having someone in be a cop Manchester that was a dirty cop in London is well fucking dodgy, (no, I do not know the update on this one, ok, I just know the information that I have given you Babes), also I never want to fuck over Aunt Rebecca like ever, (though anyone with half a brain would avoid it when possible, ya know).

So we just sat with our cuppas and we made some small talk, (no, I don't really remember what the small talk was about, because it's small talk Babes), it was nice though, as there no pressure to talk about anything and everything, (or maybe I'm just fucking weird here).

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