Chapter 51 - Life is a Bitch

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With bullshit out of the way, such as the investigation and having to write a report, it's time for the second part: rescue! This is my weak point. I can't help people for my life unless I'm close friends with them. Otherwise, I might actually be somewhere in life.

However, first, I set a few things up. To start, I have no idea how I made it here because my legs are barely moving without pain. It doesn't help that my movement seems to be slowed down from the medication, so CAT is on my legs, letting me roll around. I don't have the top part, only the bottom. This leaves me with two scouts to help look for people.

Second, I hack the system. Before you say that it's illegal, it shouldn't be. If you have information on a villain base you are going to invade, you aren't going to ignore information just because it's 'unfair.' If you plan on doing that, get out of the field now. We don't need idiots on the stage. Anyway, I learn this isn't only a rescue mission: this is a fucking villain invasion! And you want to know who we are fighting?

The number ten hero: Gang Orca! That makes sense because he was voted as one of the top heroes that looks like a villain. However, he isn't a damn pushover. His quirk Orcinus gives him the attributes of a Killer Whale. Even though I deny they are going to build an ocean for him, he isn't someone to mess with on land either. He's a Killer Whale for god sake! It doesn't help that they are probably going to have an extensive support system for him.

This is a situation that is hard for pro-heroes, let alone teenagers. I can't say I didn't expect this because we need to be prepared for the worst.

Third and final, I roll to the middle of the room and clap my hands together to catch everyone's attention," Hey, everyone! As everyone should know, the next portion is a rescue test. With this, we are expected to work together. Now, let me prove to be a use to everyone right now: this isn't just a rescue event. There is a villain attack in the mix. Don't believe me? Here." I throw my phone at a random student, seeing their face drop along with the others around them.

"GANG ORCA?! HOW ARE WE SUPPOSE TO FIGHT HIM AND RESCUE?!" Mineta freaks out. I guess someone has to.

When Iida gets the phone, he quickly chops his arms toward me, "This is cheating, Izuku!"

"To be fair, they shouldn't have made it so easy to hack. Or put it down in general for that matter. Honestly, are you going to ignore free information? You wouldn't do it on the field, now would you?" Multiple heads shake no, " Flipping good. Now that we are on the same track, I have a plan. Anybody willing to follow?"

"Why should we, you quirkless?" A snarky boy decides to challenge me — wrong move.

"Do you have an idea? If you do, I would love to hear it! Otherwise, get off your high horse and let us strategize! I already proved myself multiple times, whether it be being here or the other incidents I was involved in." That got him to shut up real quick, "Good! Now, where are my long-range folks? More specifically, people who can get capture large amounts."

A few come up, but the main ones that come up are earthquake boy, Todoroki, Airbender, and hair boy. I think we understand hair boy, and earthquake boy was the one from the beginning who touched me without permission. Todoroki and Airbender, however, is a duo I can get behind. Sure, they keep looking at each other like they want to die, but if I can get them to work together, it could be a mighty team. I don't know everyone else's quirk too well, so I can't make teams there.

"You all are my first defense. You're going to knock out as many as possible to make the rest of our lives easier. I will be telling you where to go specifically. If we don't knock them out quick, we get screwed over. For everyone else, for now, I want to group people. I don't know everyone here, so I'm going to hope everyone can group themselves — team up with other schools. I recommend groupings based on anyone who can help injured folks, the rescue team, and close-combat, and long-range like I already have set up. To make our lives easier, Momo is in charge of injured, Uraraka rescue, Iida close-combat, and I will work with long-range. Everyone whose name I said, please raise your hand and go to each corner of the room. From there, go into smaller groups that can benefit each other. I can fly up and tell everyone where to go. The only other information I can tell you is that the field is the same as round one. Now get to it!"

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