Chapter 17 - Mommy Dearest, I'm Back!

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CAT and I have arrived at my mother's apartment, and I'm more than willing to admit that I'm nervous. Time to man up and do the job. I knock on the door.

"One moment!' I hear her on the other side before the door opens, "Izuku?!" Mom tackles me into a hug, and I hugged her back.

"How are you doing, mom?" She pulls back before letting me in, CAT following quietly.

"I'm wonderful now that you're here! I thought you were coming tomorrow with Aizawa-san?" We walk to sit on the couch.

"I was. We still are. I'm just breaking the rules." Mom shakes her head.

"Somehow, that doesn't surprise me. I wish you could have warned me, though! I could have made a cake to celebrate how well you did at the Sports Festival!"

"Nah, I'm good, Mom. No need to worry about that stuff. If you really want to celebrate, we can go out to eat this weekend. That way, we don't have to cook, and we can celebrate as equals."

"I would love that, Izu. Now, you have to tell me about CAT. This is the most advanced you have built ever."

"Meow Meow!" CAT reacts, whipping its tail like an average cat and causing Mom to laugh.

"You must have put a ton of effort into this, sweetheart!"

"Over 72 hours, at least. I lost track after that. Requiring no sleep has its advantages." I respond.

"You haven't been sleeping?" Mom asks with a worried tone.

"Believe it or not, I have been sleeping better. A couple of hours at least. He has me working out early in the mornings in an attempt to get rid of some energy. It seems to build up faster than it depletes."

"It has been like that since you were a kid, Izu. Not even medicine or activity seemed to help. Well, the activity helped you a little. It slowed you down for a couple of hours before you caught up again, and even then, it was barely a change."

"Was Dad like this?" Mom thinks for a moment. I don't know much about Dad besides that he is supposedly overseas in America. That's it. He could be a top drug-leader for all I know, and I wouldn't know.

" He was hyper as you, yes. However, he was more restrained than you. He kind of knew his limits. You definitely take from his side there but in a more extreme case. He was a trouble-maker too. However, you top him constantly." Somehow, that doesn't surprise me because I always break standards and limits.

It's a part of me!

We continue our chat in a variety of topics until I head back to Shouta's place before I get caught.


"Fuck," I state. Yeah, fuck. I just arrived him to find Shouta already home. He knows something is wrong.

"Where were you?" Shouta asks with a glare. Time to think of something realistic.

"Stripper club teaching lessons." Actually, that's pretty realistic.

"The actual place."

"The gay bar beside that cheap-ass pharmacy."

"Izuku, I know for a fact that you didn't go there. Otherwise, you might look like you worked up a sweat. You wouldn't make a deal with Nezu over that. And don't bother lying because I checked all the places you frequent." Welp accurate. Before you ask, yes, I somehow bribed Nezu to keep a long conversation with Shouta going for me. Obviously, that didn't work so hot.

"Including the bars?"

"No, why would you go back to the bar?"

"Never know, drug deal?"

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