Chapter 39 - Fuck I-Island!

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"Everybody, we need to stay here while we let the heroes - IZUKU, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! GET BACK HERE!" Oh Iida, you poor gullible boy. I already found the staircase and started climbing them as I state commands to CAT. I quickly see all sorts of programs slide across the visor.

Oh boy.

"Yeah, let's just wait around for help. When has that ever worked in the movies? Never! Therefore, I'm going ahead! I also need to go save All Might, so my exam grade isn't sabotaged. Anybody is welcome to join me!" With that, I continue forth! Well, did.

Momo, of course, attempts to be the mature adult as she speaks up, "Wait, Izuku, shouldn't we discuss this? What if people are after us? And what do you mean about All Might?"

"People are after us anyway. HOW MANY TIMES HAVE WE BEEN THROUGH THIS BULL SHIT? LIKE, UNREALISTIC AS FUCK! Anyway, based on a CAT, they aren't after us. Well, they would be if we came on time. We don't know the concept of time; therefore, we saved ourselves, believe it or not."

"So, they are after the party?"

"Yep. All Might is at the party. With our luck, he is probably trapped because the emergency ropes were triggered. I don't know where sadly, but I can presume it's probably on the heroes, including All Might."

"CAN'T HE JUST BREAK OUT, THOUGH?! HE IS THE NUMBER ONE HERO FOR A REASON!" Mineta freaks out as we crawl the stairwell.

"Technology can surpass if treated correctly. We're in one of the most technologically advanced places in the world. I would be surprised if it didn't trap All Might." Thankfully, Momo takes back over.

"I assume you're going to see the situation first before hacking through?"

"Yes. However, I need a tiny smidgen of information. Melissa, is this the normal procedure for a fucking bomb?"

"LANGUAGE!" Ignored.

"No, it isn't," Melissa responds. She might be the most useful one here. No offense everyone, but she has information on this place.

"And this place is tight-knit, right?" Except for me, but we won't include that.

"Yeah, only certain people can go through. That list is minimal."

"I have some information. I am certain of one thing: someone is where they aren't supposed to be."

"Izuku, they aren't supposed to be hacking through anyway." Momo tries to tell me. Thank above, Melissa got it!

"Do you mean on the top floor?"

"Bonus points for Melissa! They are at the source itself, which is apparently on the top floor! You have to have a wonderful computer to hack through this from the outside. From there, I have two theories. The first theory is the more logical one - they are hacking through. However, you have to be a bloody genius to get through this bullshit; thus, the second theory is possible. They were let in by someone."

"ANOTHER TRAITOR!?" Damn it. Mineta, shut up. You're not helping with the world's problems, pervert! However...

"Pretty much, yeah. It has to be one of the top people." I, of course, already have theories of who it is. However, I can't really say it when their family is in the room with me.

"But the systems and the leaders thoroughly look over people's backgrounds before letting them in!" Melissa states.

"True. However, who says somebody can't switch sides? If anything, they have probably been here a while and decided to switch sides for a purpose. Scientist! Tricky, I tell ya!"

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